'Chris Beardshaw' rose Reviews & Comments
I got two of these Meredith HT roses from Edmund's this year and I am very pleased with them. THe bush itself is very vigorous and healthy and a beatiful dark green. The blooms are a very pretty pale pink and have good form and are very large. They are also very fragrant and have long stems so they make great cutting roses. I would recommend this rose very highly. I imagine the mother named Meredith that this rose was named for is very proud to show this to her friends. IT is a great garden rose.
This is my second year with Meredith, and I too recommend it highly. It survived well over the winter and blooms generously. The flowers aren't as delicate or susceptible to browning on the edges as are those of Bride's Dream, but it's a similar pale pink.
Weeks briefly introduce a few randoms with limited distribution here and there. I have Louise Hayes from that, which I love, and I think its superior to the other similar roses they have. Meredith may well be a similar story. Back in the 90s, I had a Weeks rose called Times Square. I wish I kept it. I was into exhibiting back then, and I was too young to see the merits it had as a non-exhibition rose. Now, I'll likely never see it again.
Edmund's now offers this rose in its catalog. Looks beautiful. A short, fragrant Bride's Dream, perhaps?