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'Canary Diamond ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 50-075
most recent 28 NOV 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 NOV 10 by John Moody
UPDATE FALL 2010--My new plant grew very well in a container it's first year. It seemed to be very disease resistant so far. The foliage is very pretty and of correct size and makes a very nice backdrop for the flowers. The flowers are beautiful. A nice medium yellow that fade very little and have very good form with good centers and a nice light fragrance. They were of decent size and I think when I get the plant transplanted into the rosebed and it matures another couple of years they will get larger still. All in all, I think this is a very good rose and should be grown much more than it is.
Discussion id : 42-831
most recent 1 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 MAR 10 by John Moody
I have seen photos of this rose and then last Fall was able to see it in a garden in the middle of a beautiful flush with about 20 blooms on the 5' bush. These roses were absolutely some of the most beautifully colored and consistent outstandingly formed blooms of a rose I have ever seen.
I cannot believe that this rose isn't more widely grown than it is. It must be in the marketing or lack thereof I guess.
I ordered a bush from EuroDesert Roses for the Spring of 2010 to give it a try in my northwest Missouri garden. I can't wait to see how vigorously it grows and blooms for me here. According to the lady that had the bush in KC, this Canary Diamond is very vigorous, disease resistant, and winter hardy. I know the blooms and foliage is beautiful, so it just sounds too good to be true.
Does anyone know if it is fertile??? I am really ramping up my hybridizing activities this next year and would sure like to give this one a try. I would really hope to see if it passes on it's good qualities to offspring.
Discussion id : 18-660
most recent 10 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 MAY 07 by noxlet
Does any nursery in the Dallas area sell this rose?
Discussion id : 7-946
most recent 30 MAR 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 MAR 05 by HMF Admin
Crisp, clean canary yellow jewel of a rose. Like glittering gemstones the dazzling, pointed buds and shapely blooms are held high like a crown on this stauesque plant. The plant is very vigorous and disease resistant. Petal count 50. (From Certified Roses catalog)
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