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29 April 2024. Livermore, CA.
Uploaded 29 APR |
16 April 2016. Livermore, CA. Leaflets generally 7 or 8. Only a couple of leaves were showing virus patterns at this time, actually.
Uploaded 16 APR 16 |
September 2021 Red Bluff. About as deep a yellow I've experienced in this highly variable rose.
Uploaded 10 SEP 21 |
16 April 2016. Livermore, CA. Late in the day. The blooms are fairly heat-resistant and long-lasting.
Uploaded 16 APR 16 |
19 April 2016. Livermore, CA.
Uploaded 20 APR 16 |
16 April 2016. Livermore, CA. The bush tends to grow relatively narrow and upright, reaching as high as 6.5'+ by the end of the season (around 5' currently); leaves always healthy.
Uploaded 16 APR 16 |
6 July 2014. Livermore, CA. "Lundy's Lane Yellow" on left and "Marlowe Soft Orange" on right, to show a yellow phase of this variety.
Uploaded 17 APR 16 |
16 April 2016. Livermore, CA.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 16 APR 16 |