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San Rafael, CA May 30, 2019. Photo courtesy of owner, Jackie Schmidt. "Lauren is over 7 feet tall, and spreading out sideways also. I had to cut it back a lot yesterday, as it was trying to eat a tree rose, and also had decided to block our front walk. Do you know how large it can actually get? Here is a pic of it AFTER I cut it back by at least 1/3rd. That's it behind the tree rose which it is using for a trellis. I love it - it is one of the first roses to start blooming in my garden, and keeps it up all Summer. Thanks so much for recommending it - I am used to roses growing bigger than they are "supposed" to, so I don't mind at all."
Uploaded 30 MAY 19 |
Walla Walla, WA, my garden, August 30, 2015. A wonderful, vigorous, bloomiferous rose
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 22 NOV 15 |
An old photo showing 'Lauren' in 'grape purple mode' in cool weather.
Uploaded 19 JUN 18 |
Saturated color, repeats well, mannerly size plant, tough and mostly healthy
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 25 JAN 15 |
Photo taken summer of 2017 in my SC garden, showing a plummy coloring and charmingly glandular buds. This rose is very floriferous and healthy in our hot and humid climate.
Uploaded 27 APR 17 |
Encino, CA May, 2014
Uploaded 11 MAY 14 |
Uploaded 20 APR 16 |
Encino, CA May, 2014
Uploaded 11 MAY 14 |
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