'HARmisty' rose Reviews & Comments
If you live in Canada, PNW, you can get Chandos Beauty (CB) from Brad Jalbert at Select Roses in Langley. I just picked up 2 that I preordered in 2023. They look super healthy. Select Roses does not deliver but it is well worth the trip to pick up roses there. Pre orders for CB will begin again in August selectroses.ca
Available from - Heirloom Roses
#1 of 1 posted
15 MAR 23 by
Heirloom does not carry Chandos. I emailed them a couple of years back and raved about it and suggested they carry it if the opportunity should arise for them to acquire it. Maybe they will carry it in the future. I am awaiting shipment of Chandos Beauty from Hortico this Spring. Call or email Hortico to see if they have any left.
I have finally acquired another Chandos Beauty! I planted it in the ground this time and I will give it much TLC! I love this rose!
Can I ask where you got Chandos Beauty from? I've been looking for a US source for a while. Thank you!
#2 of 2 posted
15 MAR 23 by
Hortico. Call or email Nicole from Hortico. It’s not listed on the website but they have it. You will love it! It’s my favorite rose!
I am about to move and start a new garden, leaving behind about 200 roses. Of all of the modern roses I have in the garden, this is probably the standout, or in the top 3. Beautiful blooms, doesn't ball up in humdity / rain, super glossy health foliage, repeats really well, and absolutely gorgeous blooms. Fragrance is so hard to rate, but this would be 9/10. One of Harkness' best roses I have ever grown. (and, I can't leave this one behind - digging it up!)
What are your top 3 roses besides Chandos Beauty? Thank you.
#2 of 3 posted
18 OCT 22 by
Two years later, I still agree with my earlier comments - fabulous rose, and grew well from cuttings.
SO hard to pick just two more, but for modern roses, would have to include Stephen's Big Purple - really reliable bush, lots and lots of very fragrant gorgeous blooms, no trouble to look after, no disease to speak of, vigorous to about 6 ft.
There are also a whole bunch of relatively recent floribundas that are very reliable, in various shades of yellow-orange-peach - they just keep blooming nonstop - but of the floribundas I would have to pick Julia Child. There is a reason why it is so popular, and has been used so much in breeding programmes. Outstanding variety.
Agree with you on Big Purple, it lived for 8 years in my zone 5a garden and very little blackspots (in late fall) on it. The color is a must for purple roses.