Magazine (2012) Page(s) cxi. varieties of Roses of 1877-8.....Madame Gabriel Luizet, light crimson, neat...
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 57.
Mme Gabriel Luizet
Not rated
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 380, 381. Includes photo(s).
Page 380: [PHOTO]
Page 381: Mme Gabriel Luizet Hybrid Perpetual. Liabaud (France) 1877. Seedling of 'Jules Margottin'... bright silvery pink, paler at the edges... there may also be later blooms... It does well in poor soil. This rose should be lightly pruned and shaped. Gabriel Luizet (1794-1872) was an arborculturist who developed the practice of budding fruit trees for the first time...
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 145, 229.
Page 145: Mme. Gabriel Luizet Hybrid Perpetual. Liabaud (France) 1877. Description... a hybrid of 'Jules Margottin'... bright silvery pink, paler at the edges...
Page 229: 'Madame Gabriel Luizet' [is] an old pink Hybrid Perpetual which is still worth growing, raised in 1877
Book (1994) Page(s) 89.
Mme. Gabriel Luizat, a pink hybrid perpetual introduced in 1877
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 338.
Mme. Gabriel Luizet Hybrid Perpetual, light pink, 1877, Liabaud. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 142.
Mme. Gabriel Luizet
Hybrid Perpetual
Liabaud, 1877
Seedling of 'Jules Margottin'
... light silvery pink... fragrant; should be lightly pruned... purple cherry red... no fall bloom... Prune long... liable to mildew... Luizet (Gabriel). -- Born in 1794, died in 1872... Meritorious arboriculturalist. Developed many valuable varieties of fruits. It is to him that we owe the practice of budding fruit trees, something he popularized... [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 142.
[Under the entry for 'Mme. Gabriel Luizet', Hybrid Perpetual] Bourbon of the same name
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 32.
Mme. Gabriel Luizet* (Hybrid Perpetual) Silvery-pink, double flowers with paler edges. Very vigorous. Scented. 1877. (S) 5 x 3’.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 18.
Rosiers Hybrides Remontants formant hauts buissons ....
MADAME GABRIEL LUIZET (Liabaud 1877). Rose satiné, demi-globuleuse. O[dorante].