'Madame Laurette Messimy' rose Reviews & Comments
From: Les Plus belles roses au début du XXe siècle 1912 As usual I have added the original text, the decoded one and approx. translation: Madame Laurette Messimy (Guillot 1887)
Page 92
Jaune cuivré éclairé de feu et nuancé de rose vif. fl. gr. pl. odor. ;tr. florif. vig. M.
Jaune cuivré éclairé de feu et nuancé de rose vif. FLEUR GRANDE PLEIN ODORANT. ;TRÈS FLORIFÈRE VIGOUREUX MASSIF
Copper yellow lit with fire, shades of vivid pink. FLOWER Big, full, fragrant, very floriferous, vigorous, suitable for flowerbeds.
For more info please check comment on Francis Dubreuil page (May 25, 2015) Asterisk denotes availability as a standard.
Ketten Brother's - Luxembourng - 1912 - Page 13.
Laurette Messimy:
Original text: 215* Laurette Messimy (Guillot & fils 1887): Fl. rose eglantine nuancé jaune doré à la base des pétales, gr., presque pl., bouton allongé, odor. Arb. vig., florif. M. A. B. V.
Original text decoded (IN CAPS) 215* Laurette Messimy (Guillot & fils 1887): FLEUR rose eglantine nuancé jaune doré à la base des pétales, GRANDE, presque PLEINE (ayant 4 à 6 rangs de pétales), bouton allongé, odorante. ARBUSTE VIGOUREUX, FLORIFÈRE MASSIF, rosier à recommander pour la plantation en massif d'une seule variété. BORDURE – variété à recommander pour plantation en bordure. AUTOMNE, variété recommandable pour floraison automnale. VILLE variété à recommander pour jardins de ville.
TRANSLATION 215* Laurette Messimy (Guillot & fils 1887): FLOWER Color: pale rose shades of golden yellow at the base of petals, Flower size BIG (7 to 10 cm diameter, [2.76-3.94"]) Nearly FULL (Having 4 to 6 rows of petals), elongated bud, fragrant, vigorous, floriferous Mass planting: Rose recommended for mass planting of same variety. Borders– variety recommended for borders. Fall, variety suitable for autumn flush. City, variety recommended for city gardens.
The Garden (July 22, 1899) p. 54 P. Guillot in Les Roses ROSE MME. LAURETTE MESSIMY Of all Roses I should recommend for groups it cannot be gainsaid that the variety Mme. Laurette Messimy gives the greatest satisfaction, being of vigorous growth, with an abundant and uninterrupted bloom from May till the frosts come. The colour of the flower is a tawny china rose, increasing in depth of tone in deep and fertile soils in northern climates; its leaf a blue-purple, elegant in form, in which it resembles a Tea Rose. In its general aspect it is vigorous, elegant, bushy, and quite hardy. In many countries, like Switzerland, Germany, and especially England, this variety is the object of peculiar care. It is fashionable; in all Rose gardens it has its allotted place: it is much cultivated in groups and masses; isolated, it often reaches gigantic proportions in rich deep soils and situations favourable to it. In a certain Normandy estate a Rose bush of this splendid variety planted in conditions very favourable to it reached in the space of two years a height of 6 feet 6 1/2 inches and a circumference of more than 13 feet 1 1/2 inches about 4 feet from the ground; it formed a round bushy shrub from the base upward. Its vigour is such that on May 20 last its owner counted more than 450 buds on the point of opening and a multitude of others to follow. Comment is superfluous. Many another analogous fact could be cited in proof of the merits of this Rose. The credit of obtaining this remarkable Rose is due to M. Guillot, of Lyons, who brought it out in 1887. It is the result of crossing the Bengal Rival de Pestum and the Tea Rose Mme. Falcot. A most happy gain it is, which has endowed Rose culture with an extraordinary variety by creating a veritable type which has given us other varieties having the same qualities of vigour and freedom of blooming in different colours.
Available from - Hhuckarder rosengarten