'Baby Rambler' rose References
Article (magazine) (2009) Page(s) 30. 'Mme Norbert Levavasseur' Source RJBM [Réal Jardin Botanico Madrid] Chromosome Number 14
Book (2005) Page(s) 121. James Delahanty. The Romance of Polyanthas. 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur' appeared in 1903, a cross between 'Crimson Rambler' and 'Gloire des Polyantha. 'Crimson Rambler' shot 15 to 20 feet in the air. The newly minted rose stayed small, around 15 inches or so. There were two major disadvantages to maximizing the popularity of 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur': one was the existence of a name with eight syllables, seven soft consonants and a catarrh-like resonance; this was solved by a clever American marketer who condensed the original name to five syllables: 'Red Baby Rambler'. The other problem was that the medium red color blued badly at the end of the bloom cycle. Nevertheless, 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur' engendered 31 first-generation crosses as well as a total of 6,624 descendants.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 266. Includes photo(s). Madame Norbert Lavavasseur ('Red Baby Rambler') Description... bunches of little crimson flowers, which 'blue' drastically with age... The rose is of particular note as the parent of 'Orléans Rose' from which most of the Popular Polyanthas were sports...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 342. Mme. Norbert Levavasseur Polyantha, medium red, 1903, ('Red Baby Rambler'); 'Crimson Rambler' x 'Gloire des Polyantha'; Levavasseur. Description.
Book (1990) Page(s) 130. Mme. Norbert Levavasseur Polyantha. Levavasseur 1903. Description. 'Crimson Rambler' x 'Gloire des Polyantha'. Flowers: crimson-scarlet, small, semi-double... There is no doubt that this rose, more than any other, helped to establish this class firmly.
Book (1978) Page(s) 156. 'Mme Norbert Levavasseur' Shorter Crimson Remontant P2 H1 The name proved too much for the Americans, who promptly called it 'Red Baby Rambler', and ensured its popularity. This rose is an important one in the development of the Polyantha, for it was the parent of 'Orleans Rose'. It was deep red, although the colour went wickedly blue. Levavasseur et Fils raised it from 'Crimson Rambler' x 'Gloire des Polyantha'; 'Crimson Rambler' was a genuine climber, not a baby one. Introduced in 1903
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 25. MADAME NORBERT LEVAVASSEUR (Levavasseur 1903). Rouge tournant au rouge violacé. VB [végétation basse].
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 252. Mme. Norbert Levavasseur (Red Baby Rambler). Pol. (Levavasseur, '03.) Crimson Rambler X Gloire des Polyantha. Small, semi-dbl., cupped, slightly fragrant, crimson-red, center lighter, bluing badly; large cluster on long stem. Fol. glossy, dark. Bushy, dwarf.
Article (misc) (1954) Page(s) 43. Mme. Norbert Levavasseur 14 chromosomes.
Magazine (Jun 1948) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 22. Mme Norbert Levavasseur, Crimson Rambler x Gloire des Polyanthas; Petite, demi-double, cramoisi, en grandes ombelles