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'Crown Princess Mary ™' rose References
Magazine  (2021)  Page(s) 23.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2019-2020 Season. Floribundas.
Crown Princess Mary.....
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 20.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2018-2019 Season.  Floribundas.
Crown Princess Mary.....
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 22.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2017-2018 Season.  Floribundas.
Crown Princess Mary Tomroyal.....Availability Garden Barn. 
Website/Catalog  (28 Apr 2015)  
Registered Name: 'Tomroyal'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Crown Princess Mary™
HT, w, 2006, Thomson, George L.; flowers varying from ivory and cream to light pink, reverse cream, 7-10 cm., very full, borne in small clusters, moderate fragrance; foliage medium size, glossy; prickles small, hooked, brown, few; growth bushy, (1¼-1½ m.); garden decorative. [(The Wild One × Frances Phoebe) × Ophelia]. Introductions: Ross Roses, 0, Australia
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 134.  
Maureen Ross. Roses in Australia in the 1970s, 1980s & 1990s. ....Our 30th ‘Charity Rose’ was ‘Crown Princess Mary’ rose for the National Heart Foundation.
Book  (2007)  
p48 Laurie Newman. Rose Registration for 2006. Tomroyal. Syn ‘Crown Princess Mary’. H.T. White. George L. Thomson. [Tomwild x Frances Phoebe] x Ophelia. Reg. Year 2006.

p157 Ross Roses advertisement. ‘Crown Princess Mary’™ (Thomson). Delightful ivory/white blushed pink.
Magazine  (Oct 2006)  Page(s) 33.  
Book  (2006)  Includes photo(s).
Frontispiece Picture. Crown Princess Mary® (Tomroyal). Australian Bred Rose. Photograph: Ross Roses.

p62-8 Maureen Ross. Australian Roses. New Release Roses for 2006. ‘Crown Princess Mary’® (TOMroyal). By consent of the Royal Danish Family, Ross Roses has received the honour of producing an Australian rose to commemorate the Royal marriage of Australian Mary Donaldson with Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. An exciting rose with large decorative blooms of ivory-white touched with a blush of pink, opening in an informal ruffle of petals with a hint of honey. A soft fragrance completes the picture of this lovely rose for a charming Princess. As the rose blooms develop they take on the resemblance of silk flowers, and keep very well when picked for decoration. The lovely flowers are produced almost continually from October to late June. Rich green foliage covers the dense, compact bush, growing 1.2 metres tall. Bred by George Thomson, Australia's leading rose hybridist, this rose will enchant all who see it. Easy to grow and very hardy, this rose has been trialed under the harshest conditions known during the last three years of water restrictions in Australia. A donation from every rose sold will be given to Crown Princess Mary's chosen charity, the Heart Foundation of Tasmania. Ross Roses has been privileged in selecting and marketing this exciting Australian rose - a gift from Mary's former homeland. Launched in Autumn 2006 by leading magazines 'Australian Women's Weekly' and 'Your Garden', and grown exclusively by Ross Roses for supply June 2006. An outstanding addition to the Australian True Blue Collection. Plant Patent Applied for.

p156. Ross Roses advertisement. New 2006. Crown Princess Mary’® ivory/white blushed pink;
Newsletter  (2006)  Page(s) 17. Vol 15, No. 2.  
The Luck of the Draw George Thomson. Part reprinted. ….For the foreseeable future, rose breeders will just have to do what they have always done, careful choice of seed parents lifts the percentage of germination greatly. This is why I use so many unnamed seedlings as seed parents, for example, the seed parents of ‘Crown Princess Mary’ and ....
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