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'Flower Carpet ® Scarlet' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 85-700
most recent 5 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 JUN 15 by Michael Garhart
AUS and USA seem to describe the seed parent as smaller, and pastel coral-pink (ish).
Discussion id : 79-382
most recent 10 JUL 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 JUL 14 by Michael Garhart
Great rose with one huge problem. This rose is HUGE. Great foliage. Great blooms. But this rose will easily find itself 6 feet in any random direction by June, even when pruned very harshly. It suffers from octopus syndrome, sadly.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 7 JUL 14 by Nastarana
It like the color and shape of the rose. In that respect, it looks like one of the better carpets. Do you know how much shade it can take?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 7 JUL 14 by Michael Garhart
I do not. Ours is in full sun, and so were the ones I have seen in landscapes.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 10 JUL 14 by Meryl
In my climate (Sydney Australia) it is similarly large and very shade tolerant. It covers itself with bloom all season with only four or five hours of sun in mid-summer and continues to spot-bloom quite lavishly as it passes into late autumn with less and less sun each day. It retains most of its leaves during a sunless winter.
Another virtue is its long life as a cut flower though it is very thorny to handle. It is certainly not a groundcover but best used as a beautiful and impenetrable security hedge.
Discussion id : 47-544
most recent 19 AUG 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 AUG 10 by k~T~h o'Silicon Valley
Aug 2010, in norCAL this rose is sold at SummerWinds nursery as 'Scarlet' carpet@ rose. I mention it only because my condo Assoc. planted about 30 of these 2 years ago. Now into the 2nd summer, I do declar that this rose is NEVER without a bloom from April --> St Nick's Day (12/06). The color is a cherry red that never fades or blues. It shoots out long canes which are topped with 'instant bouquets' (great to take to the ladies!). The bouquets last a long while in the vase or on the cane. I thank ~HMF~ for identifying this rose's formal name!
Discussion id : 31-981
most recent 30 NOV 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 NOV 08 by Rob
This rose is the same as NOA83100B (Sorrento), which is already in the HMF database.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 NOV 08 by HMF Admin
Thank you.
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