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'AUSdisco' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 168-706
most recent 5 OCT HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 OCT by Huyustus
Available from - Wairere Nursery
Discussion id : 118-219
most recent 31 AUG 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 AUG 19 by NewDawn
Available through Freedom Gardens.
Discussion id : 34-663
most recent 11 MAR 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 MAR 09 by Georgieroses
Dear 'The Endeavour' fans,

I have two large pots of this illustrious David Austin Rose.
Home is Victoria in the southern regions of Australa.
I don't have photos at present but will have some to show you shortly.
'The Endeavour' is the most beautiful rose and it colouring is simply
wonderful in my view. Deepest orange pink/deep pink initially with some yellow undertonings.
Constantly changing every single day from deep vibrant pink with orange tonings and then paler deep pink and so on. The blooms don't last long but repeat very quickly.
Fabulous and wonderful.
Certainly worth growing. Highly recommended.
A fantastic rose in a hot climate and otherwise.

I'll post some photos soon.

Best wishes
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