'KORtraste' rose Reviews & Comments
"Controlled pollination: in 1991 seed parent ‘The Fairy’ was crossed with pollen parent unnamed seedling."
Source: http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/docs/2006101.doc
Thank you.
Smiles, Lyn
Continuing the thread from 'Grouse 2000'. I note there are two roses. Medeo KORcremkis 1991 and Medeo KORtraste 2001 Treloar Roses have been helpful and advised that ‘Metao’ and ‘Meteo’ are both spelling errors and should be 'Medeo'. Therefore, I have merged ‘Metao’ (and Meteo) into ‘Medeo’ KORtraste. They also felt the 2009 reference to 'Grouse 2000' being a synonym of 'Medeo' was also an error and I have underlined this in the ref as being an error.
According to ADR this is 2001 introduced in 2004