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'Masquerade' rose References
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 402-403.  Includes photo(s).
Masquerade Description... 'Masquerade' was the first of the Cluster-flowered Roses that changed to a deeper color as the flowers matured, a feature inherited from the China Roses... semi-double flowers that are light yellow changing to salmon-pink and finally to a rather muddy red...
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 45.  
Grows at Sissinghurst.
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 51.  
Masquerade Vita used a substantial planting of 'Masquerade' in the toolshed bed adjacent to the Cottage Garden. This Floribunda is now generally despised for its brash colouring, poor flower shape and ungainly habit. Opening yellow and ageing through orange and red to a blotchy deep salmon, it was unique when introduced in 1949 for the potency of its chameleon colours...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 279.  Includes photo(s).
Jackson & Perkins, 1949. Description. It was a first -- a rose that opened bright yellow, and then gradually turned salmon-pink, then red. Boerner. 'Goldilocks' x 'Holiday'. Repeats.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 366.  
Floribunda, red blend, 1949, 'Goldilocks' x 'Holiday'; Boerner; J&P. Bud small, ovoid, yellow; flowers bright yellow turning salmon-pink and then dark red, semi-double (17 petals), medium (2 1/2 in.) blooms in clusters of 19-25; slightly fragrant; foliage leathery, dark; vigorous, bushy, compact growth.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 238.  Includes photo(s).
Masquerade Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: 'Goldilocks' x 'Holiday'. USA 1949. Description and cultivation... This rose aroused enormous interest when it was introduced because of its changing colours as it matured... clear yellow, passing through salmon pink to finish a fairly harsh red...
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 49.  
Masquerade A mixture of yellow changing to red as the flowers age. To get the best from this rose all the old flowers must be removed. Medium. Boerner 1949.
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 123.  
'Masquerade'   Medium    Yellow to red    Remontant  P3   H4  * 
Few roses were so truly novel as this, with its strange habit of yellow buds, which admitted more  and  more red, until the old flowers were dark crimson, and  the inflorescence spotted with dark dots  among the gold.  Had the rose world  been familiar with R. chinensis mutabilis, the novelty were less; but that variety was rare. It is wonderful to suppose that the colour change of 'Masquerade' may have been latent in all the generations of hybrids from the China Rose until 1949.   'Masquerade' was  bred by Eugene  Boerner from  'Goldilocks' x 'Holiday', both those parents being raised by him too. 'Holiday' was a Floribunda, yellow and pink, with 'Pinocchio' as pollen parent; so 'Pinocchio' is well marked as a transmitter of unusual colours, on the evidence of 'Lavender  Pinocchio', 'Fashion' and  'Masquerade'; with 'Circus' yet to come. The main objection to growing 'Masquerade' at present, is that no stocks are known to be free of the rose mosaic virus.
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 24.  
MASQUERADE (Bœrner 1949). Coloris changeant, bouton jaune devenant orange, puis rouge feu, à la floraison. FL [feuillage luisant]. LO [légèrement odorantes].
Website/Catalog  (1959)  Page(s) cover.  Includes photo(s).
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