'McGredy's Scarlet' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 210. ‘McGredy’s Scarlet’. HT. Good reliable rebloom. Good fragrance. Habit 4. McGredy, 1930. Provenance: Huntington. Large cupped flowers from pointed buds; shaded from scarlet to persimmon with a soft sheen. An unusual color, and one rarely seen in roses.
Book (2005) Page(s) 160. ‘McGredy’s Scarlet’. HT medium red. McGredy, 1930. MR11. – V3.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 370. McGredy's Scarlet Hybrid Tea, medium red, 1930, McGredy. Description.
Website/Catalog (1962) Page(s) 16. MAC GREDY'S SCARLET (S.M. Gredy 1930). Rouge écarlate brillant teinté orange à la base.
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1959) Page(s) 98. ‘McGredy’s Scarlet’. McGredy, 1930. Bright rich light scarlet-crimson; medium-sized, full, 35 petals; leathery foliage; vigorous. Liable to rust disease in some districts. A.R.S. rating 7.9
Book (1952) Page(s) 183. ‘McGredy’s Scarlet’. HT. (McGredy ’30). Parentage unknown. Large, dbl, (35 petals) high-centred, slight tea fragrance, velvety crimson-scarlet, base orange, upper portion of petals deep crimson. Fol. large, rich green, leathery, glossy. Very vig.
Website/Catalog (1948) Page(s) 49. Roses Hybrid Tea and Everblooming No. 1 grade...80¢ each McGreedy's scarlet—scarlet
Website/Catalog (1948) Page(s) 6. ‘McGredy’s Scarlet’ – Cerise red to scarlet; about 30 petals; buds long and attractive; good growth. Colour affected by hot weather.
Book (1948) Page(s) 228. 'McGredy’s Scarlet' (H.T.) brilliant scarlet, base orange, washed deep crimson, large, full, perfect shape, delicate tea perfume, distinct; free flowering.
Book (1947) Page(s) 12. Harry Hazlewood. Novelty. Unusual length of petal occurred in ‘McGredy’s Scarlet’ and….