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'Rosa platyacantha Schrenk' rose References
Book  (1 May 2003)  Page(s) 352.  
Rosa platyacantha Schrenk. Shrubs small, 1-2 m tall...prickles abundant, yellow, straight or curved, to 8 mm, firm, flat..Leaves including petiole 3-5 cm...rachis and petiole glandular when young; leaflets 5-7(-9), suborbicular, obovate, or oblong, 8-15 x 5-10 mm, leathery, glabrous or... sparsely pubescent, margin 4-6-serrate at upper part, entire below...Flower solitary, or 2 or 3...3-5 cm in diam....Petals 5, yellow...Hip dark-red or purple-brown, globose or ovoid, ca. 1 cm in diam., shiny, with persistent, erect sepals..Fl. May-Aug, fr. Aug-Nov. 2n = 14. ..1100-1800 m. Xinjiang (Kazakhstan, Mongolia)
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 359.  
Wide-prickly Rose (Rosa platyacantha Schrenk). This species grows in foothills, mountain slopes, in gorges. It is a xero-mesophytic shrub, 1 to 2 m high with reddish bark. Prominent thorns are straight, pointed to the apex, abruptly widened at the base and very stiff. Compound leaves have five to nine orbicular leaflets with four to eleven large, pointed or obtuse teeth and sparse pubescence on the lower side. Yellow flowers are borne singly on 1.5 to 4 cm long, glabrous pedicels; sepals are lanceolate and tomentose on the upper sides. Black-violet globular fruits are 1 to 2 cm in diameter and crowned by nonconvergent sepals. Vitamin C and tannin levels are very high in the fruits.
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 355.  
R. platyacantha (Wide-prickly rose). Distribution: Dzhungarskei, Zailiyskei, Kungei, Terskei, Kirghiz, Talasskei Alatau, Ketmentau, Karatau. Use: Ornamental plant, honey plant.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 196.  
Endemische Wildrosenarten der Flora der UdSSR, die für den Zierpflanzenanbau Bedeutung erlangen könnten...
Sektion Pimpinellifoliae DC.
R. platyacantha Schrenk
Bull. Acad. Sc. St. Petersb. X (1842) 252.
(R. heterocantha Kar. et Kir., R. platyacantha var. typica et β-cuneifolia Rgl., R. xanthina Schr. non Lindl.)
Büsche: ungefähr 1 m hoch, Zweige gehen im spitzen Winkel ab. Stacheln fest, gerade, abgeplattet, zur Basis plötzlich stark verbreitert, weisslich.
Blätter: 5 bis 9 Fiederblättchen; Stiele kahl oder spinnwebenartig behaart. Blättchen 0,6 bis 2 cm, rund oder breit elliptisch, kahl oder Unterseite entlang der Hauotader leicht behaart, am Rand 4 bis 9 einfache, grosse, stumpfe, stark ungleichseitige, abgerundete Zähnchen, Oberseite hellgrün, Unterseite blasser.
Blüten: einzelständig, auf glatten Blütenstielen, 1,5 bis 4 cm lang, Kelchblätter einfach, lanzettlich, innen und am Rand filzartig wollig, auf der Rückseite glatt, 1 bis 2 cm lang; Blumenkrone 3 bis 5 cm lang, Blütenblätter gross, gelblich.
Früchte: kugelförmig, 1 bis 2 c breit; schwarzviolett, mit auseinanderlaufenden oder nach oben gerichteten Kelchblätetrn, die nicht abfallen.
An Berghängen.
Verbreitungsgebiet: UdSSR, Mittelasien: Tienschan, Pamiro-Alai (selten).
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 353-354.  Includes photo(s).
R. platyacantha Schrenk in Bull. Acad. Sc. St. Petersb. X (1842) 252; Ldb., Fl. Ross. II, 75; Crep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XIII (l875) 270, XIV (1875) 165, XVIII (1879) 376.- ? R.heteracantha Kar. et Kir. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. XV (1842) 350.— R. platyacantha var. a typica, et b cuneifolia Rgl. in A.H. P. V f. II (1878) 312.— R.xanthina auct. fl. Turkest., non Lindl.
Shrub, low or medium- sized, with reddish bark, branches diverging at an acute angle, branches and turions usually covered with uniformly long, firm, erect, flattened or abruptly markedly broadened whitish prickles, sometimes turning slightly upward; leaves with 5—9 leaflets; rachis unarmed, glabrous or with gossamer hairs; stipules narrow, generally glabrous, with divergent auricles; margins glandular; leaflets small, 6— 20 mm long, orbicular or broadly elliptic, with orbicular base; apex rounded or slightly acuminate, glabrous or sparingly pubescent along midrib, with 4—9 simple, large, obtuse or acuminate, distinctly asymmetrical teeth on each side, dark green above, pale green beneath. Flowers solitary; pedicels 1.5— 4 cm long, usually smooth; hypanthia globose or slightly longer than broad, smooth; sepals simple, lanceolate, 1—2 cm long, shorter than petals, with slightly broadened mucro, margin and upper surface tomentose-lanate; lower surface smooth; corolla 3—5 cm in diameter; petals large, yellow; stigma head large, white-tomentose; fruit globose, 1—2 cm in diameter, like apically thickened pedicels, black-violet when ripe, crowned in fruit by divergent or upwardly-directed, not convergent sepals. June. (Plate XXVII, Figure 3).
Mountain slopes, shrubby formations.— Centr. Asia: T. Sh., Pam.Al. (rarely). Gen. distr.: Dzu.-Kash. Described from Dzhungaria. Type in Leningrad.
Economic importance. Sometimes, as in the city of Alma-Ata, cultivated as an ornamental plant.
Note. R. heteracantha Kar. et Kir., here considered as a synonym of this species, is distinguished by a mixture of numerous thin acicular prickles passing into normal, firm, markedly flattened prickles. It appears to be a problematic form, perhaps a hybrid of R. platyacantha Schrenk. X R. spinosissima L.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 568.  
R. platyphylla Schrenk (pimpinellifolia) carmine, 5 cm, single, heart-shaped petals, solitary, once-blooming, yellowish green foliage, 7-9 long leaflets, abundant black ovoid fruit, growth 9/10, climbing, 4 m. Large-leaved Pimpinellifolia = Cocciné. Asia. Sangerhausen
[The author confuses the name R. platyacantha Schrenk with R. platyphylla Thory.]
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 151.  
Species: R. xanthina, Lind.
5661. (Schrenk), wild rose
Book  (1842)  Page(s) Vol. 2, p. 43-45.  
Rosa platyacantha Schrenk in Bullet. scientif. l. c. p. 254.
R, subglaberrima, erecta; aculeis confertis latissimis compressis rectis aliisque paucis setaceis; stipulis omnibus conformibus angustissimis glanduloso-subserratis; petiolis inermibus; foliolis 7 — 9 (parvis deciduis) obovatis apice simpliciter serratis basi integerrimis; pedunculis unifloris ebracteatis; calycis tubo oblongo glabro, sepalis integerrimis linearibus acuminatis; stylis liberis villosissimis exsertis; ovariis sessilibus.
R. heteracanlha Kar. et Kir. Enum. pl. alt. No. 318. l. c. 1842 p. 350.
R. sericeae Lindl. affinis, praesertim quoad aculeorum indolem, foliolorum parvitatem atque sepalorum formam, sed differt stipulis angustissimis, foliolis obovatis vel obovato-suborbiculatis subtus glaberrimis vel pilis perraris adspersis, floribus albis, stylis pilosissimis; — R. Webbianae Wall. foliorum forma atque magnitudine simillima, at aculeis brevioribus latissimis, foliolis solum apice serratis, nec non pedunculis calycibusque eglandulosis ab illa haud aegre distinguitur; — primo intuitu magnam habet cum R. pimpinellifolia similitudinem, sed differt aculeorum indole, foliolis basi integerrimis, sepalis longissime acuminatis.
Habitu et modo crescendi R. pimpinellifoliae omnino similis, tota glaberrima vel pilis perraris hinc inde adspersa, aculeis compressis (basi lineari) latissimis rectis horrida et aliis aculeis setaceis raris hinc inde armata. Petioli basi stipulis angustis adnatis margine obsolete glandulosis marginati, inermes. Foliola majora vlx 6 lin. longa, 3 v. 4 lin. lata, alia minora, iuterdum vix 2 1/2 lin. longa, 2 Iin. lata, obovata, v. obovato-subrotunda, basi subcuneata el integerrima, apice simpliciter serrata.serraturis aculiusculis eglandulosis, ulrinquc glabra atque eglandulosa. Flores situ, magnitudine et forma illis R. pimpinellifoliae similia. Calycis tubus oblongus, sepalis 6 v.7 lin. longis, lineari-lanceolatis, longissime acutatis integerrimis, eglandulosis, margine et in pagina superiore villosis. Pelala alba. Ovaria sessilia , villosissima. Styli exserti, liberi, pilosissimi. Fructus ignotus.
Hab. in traclu Kuhlasu, d. 10 Julii m. lecta.
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