'Zorja Mičurina' rose Reviews & Comments
Dear Sir or Madame,
For the cultivar 'Zarja Micurina' I suggest you add the original name 'Заря Мичурина' and transliteration 'Zaria Michurina'. Ful name of the breeder is Леонид Петрович Лемпицкий / Leonid Petrovich Lempitsskii (romanised in accordance with ICAO rules (2013).
The existing name "Zorja Mičurina" is wrong. You may use Czech characters, but Zarja should be Zarja, not Zorja.
With kind regards, Matjaž Mastnak
"Zorja Mičurina" is listed in my old rose-nursery catalogue from the 70ties, but as a purple red one. Same purple colour has the rose "Zorja Mičurina" grown in the rose garden of The Institute of Botany of The Academy of Science of Czech Republic in Pruhonice - Chotobuz. (see photos on this page: http://ruze.wi.cz/cs/zorja-micurina.html ). I tried to find any additional information about this rose on web, but my search was not succesful. You also do not have any references listed. So which one is correct - the salmon orange or the purple one?
#1 of 3 posted
5 JUL 08 by
Hi, Lili Rose. I had no luck with references, but I found another description at the Rosarium in Baden. Here is the description: L. P. Lembichij. 1963. lachsorange, gefüllt, duftend www.baden.co.at/Texte/Sortimenstliste_Rosarium.pdf
Your 1970's catalog information is valuable. Which nursery? It would be wonderful to have the complete information on HMF to help solve this mystery. Thirty years is ample time for labels to be lost and confused.
Hi Cass. Thanks for the tip, but does not the description on HMF originate from the one in Baden Rosarium?(probably the only available description on web?) Moreover, they named the breeder incorrectly - not Lembichij but Lempickij, so I think thay may have even the rest of description "a bit" incorrect ... . But you are right, the labels might have been shuffled in the march of time and the data capture forms might have been "slightly altered". I do not even try to guess which version ( the one of Baden Rosarium or the one of Pruhonice Rosarium) is correct. I´m aware the only chance to puzzle this out is that a grower from Ukraine or Russia makes himself heard and shares his knowledge. Otherwise we will have to wait for a respond from a rhodologist who specializes in roses from former USSR. :-( My catalogue - to be accurate - was published in 1966 by " JZD Růžová školka - J. Heim" a company that does not exist since 1967.
#3 of 3 posted
9 JUL 08 by
The description is indeed from the Baden Rosarium! Unfortunately, I have no photo of the blooms there, but will try to organize one. They might be purple, for all things. The Lembickij/Lembichij duality is due to the different transcriptions from the cyrillic.