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'Merry Widow' rose References
Book  (1961)  Page(s) 14.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.   New Roses in Victoria 
Merry Widow's flowers improved (I staged two as specimens) but it, too, had many blind shoots in spring 1960.
Book  (1960)  
p12.  Frank W. Pulsford, Hazlewood Nurseries Pty. Ltd. New Roses for 1960. 
Merry Widow  HT. (Lammerts 1958) Long pointed buds of velvety crimson which open to large double flowers which are produced throughout the year on long strong stems. Dark glossy foliage with vigorous upright growth. A very fine variety. 

p18.  Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Varieties in Victoria.
Merry Widow HT. (Lammerts 1958) A vigorous, healthy plant with lots of long-stemmed, medium-sized, velvety crimson blooms. An excellent rose for cutting but not of exhibition quality.

p100.  Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. Some Novelty Roses. 
Merry Widow HT. (Lammerts, 1958) A rich rosy red with fairly Iarge blooms of about twenty-five petals. Flowers are nicely shaped, with the petals reflexing naturally. Clean upright growth, and has bloomed well with us. The blooms were all consistently good and uniform in an astonishing degree, and this appears to be an outstanding variety.
Website/Catalog  (1958)  Page(s) 2.  Includes photo(s).
World Premier Germain's 1958 Rose Introduction
Merry Widow (P.A.F.)
This Spectacular New Grandiflora is as Gay and Alluring as its Name
A New Red Rose... exciting and radiantly beautiful, with vibrant, deep crimson, nonfade blooms. Exquisitely formed high-centered buds open to deep crimson, semi-double flowers with velvety textured petals. The profusion of blooms are borne both singly and in clusters on unusually long cutting stems... 12 to 18 inches. Merry Widow will produce armloads of cutting flowers to grace your home—bring your garden indoors.
The Merry Widow has a particularly pleasing fragrance, reminiscent of the old-fashioned red rose. This newest Germain's garndiflora rose, another Dr. Lammerts original, attains a height of 4 to 4½ feet. The entire bush is gloriously clothed in dark green leathery foliage. Grown with expert care this gorgeous GRANDIFLORA combines the abundant bloom of the FLORIBUNDA with the magnificent flowers and stems of the HYBRID TEA.
$2.75 each, 3 for $7.20
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 234.  
Merry Widow. Gr. (Lammerts; int. Germain, '58.) Mirandy X Grande Duchesse Charlotte. Bud long pointed; fl. large (6 in.), dbl. (20-25 petals), open cupped, very fragrant (spicy), velvety crimson; long, strong stem. Fol. dark, glossy. Vig.; very free bloom. (28) Pl. Pat. 1711.
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