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'SPEdaba' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 127-566
most recent 29 OCT 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 MAY 21 by goncmg
Today in the Jacksonville, Florida area my local Lowe's has a huge number of orange roses being sold with this name and they look just like the photos posted by Brad in 2012. Their label shows a red rose, the description here says the variety is red, yet it seems for 9 years an orange rose has been circulating with this name. Today I assumed the real Yaba was red and what I saw today was just an error and the rose might have been Sundowner. Now I am intrigued. And kind of annoyed.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 OCT 21 by tuoinside
I think the opposite is true for me. I bought one from Lowes in central Florida in spring of this year as well. However, mine is likely the red rose from the photo on the label. It's very much solid red, very dark actually. There's no salmon or coral to it. Still pretty perplexed as to how there isn't more information available on it even when you search by SPEdaba. Very nice rose though! I'll try to add some photos to here to further complicate things. Have you gotten any further information on your end?
Discussion id : 127-885
most recent 30 MAY 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 MAY 21 by Rosenut77
Found this orange rose with florist form double on a bush that resembles a compact grandiflora today at Lowes. The variety that goes by a similar name "yabbadabbadoo" is a single pink shrub rose.
Discussion id : 127-884
most recent 30 MAY 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 MAY 21 by Rosenut77
Found this orange rose with florist form double on a bush that resembles a compact grandiflora today at Lowes. The variety that goes by a similar name "yabbadabbadoo" is a single pink shrub rose.
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