'Koh-sai' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 373. 'Mikado'™, HT, rb, 1987, (Kohsai, Koh-Sai) ... description
Book (1994) Page(s) 140. Nola Simpson, Manawatu, New Zealand. In The Trial Ground 1992-93. 'Mikado' (Kohsai) - Suzuki, Japan, the only HT to win recognition, it is a very free flowering rose with well shaped blooms in a brilliant colouring of red and gold. The flowers are on a plant of bushy habit with attractive foliage. Flowers early in the spring and is an excellent garden rose to give a bright splash of colour.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 288. Includes photo(s). ('Koh-sai') Large-flowered. Named for the Gilbert and Sullivan character. Seizo Suzuki (Japan)... 'Koh-sai'... is Japanese for "harmonious friendship". All-American Rose Selection 1988. Description. Parentage unknown. Repeats.