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'Goldregen' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 85-424
most recent 29 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAY 15 by Nastarana
Goldregen has now survived, so far, two cold, Zone 5 winters. It is not cane hardy, but does grow back in spring, given sufficient moisture in the soil. I wish it were possible to know the lineage. It is a large and beautiful flower with a nice soft yellow color and ruffled petals. I would not so far call it completely free of BS, but neither is it a BS magnet like poor Joseph's Coat, which I sent to another grower in a more favorable climate. It does grow back quickly enough to become a respectably sized shrub in my yard. I expect it would be a lovely climber in a warmer climate.
Discussion id : 61-814
most recent 24 APR 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 FEB 12 by Nastarana
This rose is also currently available from Vintage Gardens.

Has anyone tried growing this in zone 5?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 16 APR 12 by paul_zone5ct
Yes, it is very winter-hardy in southern zone 5.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 24 APR 12 by Nastarana
Thank you. I am glad to hear that because I have one arriving from VG in May.
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