'Yellow Romantica™' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Marnix
Large-Flowered Climber. (Series: Romantica ™)
Light yellow, cream outer petals. None to mild, pepper, spice fragrance. up to 50 petals. Average diameter 2.25". Medium, very full (41+ petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped, old-fashioned bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Tall, bushy, climbing, spreading. Medium, semi-glossy, dark green foliage.
Height: 8' to 10' (245 to 305cm).
USDA zone 5b through 8b. Can be used for cut flower or garden. Hardy. vigorous. Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant. Protect tender new spring growth from hard freezes that may cause canker, die-back and death of the plant. . Remove spent blooms to encourage re-bloom. Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood.. Remove unproductive wood every third year or so.
Australia - Patent No: AU4449P on 20 Aug 2012 Application No: 2003/075 on 10 Apr 2003 VIEW PBR PATENTSpontaneous mutation: ‘Meiroupis’’. 3 vegetative generations were grown....Breeder: Alain Meilland in Le Cannet des Maures, France.
According to the Rosarium im Doblhoffpark at Baden near Vienna 'Yellow Romantica' was bred in 1995. No. 173 in the 2001 Monza Competition. (Source: Website Roseto Niso Fumagalli.)