'Mrs Samuel McGredy' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
31 JAN 21 by
Hi, (Rex Hazlewood Garden, Old Parliament House Gardens, Canberra) Is anyone please able to help me identify this rose or share your thoughts. It had been labelled as Mrs. Sam McGredy. Other map sources also mention Red Simplicity in the same location. It shares a section of garden bed allocated to Hybrid Teas and Tea roses (mostly red). The surrounding roses are Crimson Glory, Marchioness of Salisbury and Etoile de Hollande. The volunteers in the garden recall that it was planted in the 2004 revamp. No replacement roses in this location have gone in since.
This rose is noticeably more the colour purple than maroon. Sorry it doesn't show up in the photos.
Nadene, I am sorry I cannot help on this rose. From your photos it looks an upright bush, with matt, blue-ish leaves. In HRiA journal 17-4-8 in 1995 Peter Cox was talking of the Old Parliament House Gardens and wrote that a firm called Context Landscape Design was to be the consultant in the project. Perhaps there may still be some paperwork around? I recall seeing photos of an early HRiA trip to Canberra. Peter Cox was calling for plants to be donated in the donor’s name. When was this? Dianne Ackland’s 2nd Edition, 1996, of The Australian Rose Directory on p220 listed Milton Simms, Simms Roses nursery at Bungendore. I am not volunteering to skim through it. But does anybody in Australia have a copy of a Simms Roses catalogue? Dianne did not list the Simms Roses nursery in her 1999 third edition.
Could it be Red Simplicity?
#3 of 8 posted
2 FEB 21 by
Alas no. I will keep digging with this one.
Did you strike gold, or shall I make a “study file”?
#5 of 8 posted
11 MAY 21 by
Hi Patricia, The location in Rex Hazlewood SG55 K13 is where I found the one lone flower. I think it is Mrs Sam McGredy. A plaque for Mrs Sam McGredy will be going in here. As the remaining roses are rootstock we will be able to replace them with this rose. I am happy to remove that photo in the meantime if it is not Mrs Sam McGredy. Thanks, Nadene
Sorry Nadene I am lost. I cannot see any connection with the purple toned photos above at SG55 K12, and the copper orange ‘Mrs. Sam McGredy’ said to be at SG55 K13.
#7 of 8 posted
14 MAY 21 by
Hi Patricia, Mrs Sam McGredy and Marchioness of Salisbury were incorrectly recorded in different locations in different maps. I believe they were planted side by side with Mrs Sam McGredy on the northern end not southern. A whole group of roses had either returned to root stock or had completely gone until I found that one flower. This section SG55 K13 will be replanted with Mrs Sam McGredy. Thanks, Nadene
As your purple-toned photos of ‘Marchioness of Salisbury’ have nothing to do with ‘Mrs.Sam McGredy’, I will reassign them to the ‘Marchioness of Salisbury’ file. This saves members in the future having to plough through irrelevant material when they are needing to search for ‘Mrs. Sam McGredy’ information.