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'Red Moss' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1857)  Page(s) 16.  
No. 54. Red moss 
Magazine  (1853)  Page(s) 95.  
The first production of the single Red Moss Rose, in 1807, was a sport of nature ; my father sent some plants of Moss Roses down to a nurseryman of the name of Essex, in Colchester; on the receipt of a letter from that person, I went with my father to see it when it was in bloom; I took some cuttings away with me to bud; and fetched the original plant away in the following autumn to our nursery at Little Chelsea from there we sent the first plants out at 5s
Magazine  (Jul 1851)  Page(s) 188.  
"The Origin of Several Varieties of Moss Roses." By Henry Shailer.
The first production of the single red moss rose, 1807, was a sport of nature. My father sent some plants of moss roses to a nurseryman, named Essex, at Colchester, and on the receipt of a letter from that person, I went with my father to see the plant when it was in bloom. I took some cuttings away with me to bud, and the following autumn fetched the original plant to our nursery, at Little Chelsea, from whence we sent the first plants out, at 5s.
Website/Catalog  (1851)  
Deciduous. 46. Red Moss
Article (misc)  (1850)  Page(s) 21.  
856. R. gallica. Red Moss
Book  (1844)  Page(s) 43.  
Red Moss purely rose-colour
Article (misc)  (1843)  Page(s) 14.  
No. 19. R. gallica. Red Moss
Website/Catalog  (1825)  Page(s) 45.  
Moss, Single Red
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