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'Meigroupy' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 45-526
most recent 16 MAR 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 JUN 10 by mashamcl
I wonder why the description says "mild fragrance". The patent says "highly fragrant". I think it has a strong fragrance too.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 MAR 16 by boopie
I see you have had this rose for awhile. How do you like it so far? Other comments make it seems as if it is a horrible rose. Yet your photos make it seem beautiful.
Discussion id : 77-673
most recent 18 APR 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 APR 14 by kysusan
I purchased two bare-roots of Classic Woman this year. They were planted in 3 gallon pots of Fafard 52 mix with some Stone organics, 6 hours sun a day. I've never seen any rose so stinking reluctant to grow! The other 25-odd bare roots are making buds, but not this one. Sorry I bought them.

Buyers remorse here.
Discussion id : 24-205
most recent 19 FEB 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 FEB 08
* This post deleted by user *
Reply #1 of 0 posted 19 FEB 08 by Cass
Thanks so much for the correction. I see that the Modern Roses database shows 'Meigroupy' as the registered name, as does the ICRA listing. This rose was added to HMF last July from the Star Roses catalog, which shows the breeder code as Meibidull.
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