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'Boutilène' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 309.  
Goubault (tea) Goubault 1843; light pink to red, centre dawn and leather-yellow, medium-size, 3/4-full, flat, fragrance 8/10, growth 7/10 = Bon Silène. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 76.  
Ever-Blooming Roses.
Goubault Bright rose,  beautiful in bud, highly fragrant, vigorous and good.
Book  (1912)  
Race des Thé non sarmenteux. Groupe C.- Thé divers et non encore classés.
Goubault, Ressemble à 'Bon Silène'. Goubault 1843. Rouge clair, centre aurore.- fl. assez grande, pleine, en coupe, odorante; florifère, vigoureux. Pour la forçage hâtif (décembre-janvier).
Magazine  (1910)  Page(s) 138.  
[From a talk held by Pierre Guillot at the Rosarian's Congress in Nantes - translated in "The Old Rose Advisor, Vol. I, p. 103ff]
Ses variétés [d'Adam] ont conservé la forme du calice et de la fleur en coupe avec de légères modifications dans la végétation, parfois plus érigée avec plus d'ampleur dans la feuillage, comme ....Goubault...
Book  (1903)  Page(s) 315.  
Tea-Scented Roses and their Hybrids.
67. Goubault; flowers bright rose, very large and double; form expanded. The young buds of this Rose are of the most elegant form, showing a rich deep crimson as the sepals part. Very sweet; growth vigorous.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 72.  
Thé. 1494. Goubault (Goubault 1843), rouge centre saumon
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 73.  
Goubault, thé, Goubault, 1843, rouge centre aurore, syn. Boutilène
Book  (1894)  Page(s) 262.  
Goubault, tea, Goubalt (1843), bright pink, medium, moderate.
Magazine  (9 Jul 1892)  Page(s) 254.  
Goubault is an old kind, with rosy-pink flowers that might be forgotten in the present day, but for one great charm. It is exceedingly sweet-scented, and for that reason its admirers will not cease, though it may not be largely grown. The buds are lovely in shape and rich in colour.
Magazine  (9 Jul 1892)  Page(s) 20.  
Rose Goubault. — The chief charm of this old Rose is its lovely scent.  In this respect few can equal and none surpass it.  It floewrs very freely, and its bright rose buff-shaded flowers are attractive.
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