'Archimède' rose References
Newsletter (Feb 2014) Page(s) 37. Di Durston, Australia. Two rare roses that Gwen has found are the old Tea Rose ‘Archimede’ and..... Mike Shoup from Texas and I happily spent time in the garden photographing these roses to add to her research at a later date.
Book (15 Oct 2001) Page(s) 88. Phillip Robinson. Tea Roses. Bearing a close resemblance in many characters to the last rose is "Rubens" (1859). Originally collected by Fred Boutin in Mexico for the Huntington, I have found it in several places in California. I am not absolutely convinced of the name since Gwen Fagan pictures it as 'Archimede' (1855) in her book Roses at the Cape of Good Hope and rosarians in Bermuda know it, incorrectly as 'Catherine Mermet'.
Book (1988) Page(s) 139. Includes photo(s). When I first saw the lifeless stump of the Tea rose called 'Archimedes' ....
Book (1936) Page(s) 32. Archimède (tea) Robert 1855; pink, shaded chamois, center darker, very large, double, globular, solitary, floriferous, repeats
Book (1899) Page(s) 13. Archimède, thé, Robert, 1855, rose et chamois
Book (1894) Page(s) 246. Archimide, T., Robert (1856), fawn, medium, moderate.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 35. Roses — Everblooming. Section II. Tea Roses. Roses belonging to this class are generally of a delicate structure with slender branches, of light shades, very fragrant, monthly bloomers, valuable for this climate. Archimede. Rosy fawn, darker centre.
Book (1882) Page(s) 204. Archimède, free [growing], T., Robert, 1856. Rosy.fawn, the centre darker ; ill-formed flowers are frequent. A good rose when in perfection, and of excellent habit.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p.11. tea, Archimède (Robert, 1856), fawn-coloured, shaded pink, darker centre, large, double, globular, free-blooming, generous.
Book (1873) Page(s) 219. Archimède, very large, full, pink shaded chamois, darker centre, globular; blooms carried free and a faithful bloomer.