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'Comtesse de Labarthe, Cl.' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 50-433
most recent 22 OCT 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 DEC 10 by Meryl
Does this rose repeat at all? I asked this question a couple of weeks ago and realise I should have explained that I have read the description, which notes "blooms in flushes throughout the season" or some such. However my D de B (or C de L) does not seem to rebloom at all and I have heard others complain of next to no repeat. I've only had my plant for about three years, so I am still hoping, but would like to know whether my experience is unusual.
Reply #1 of 9 posted 26 DEC 10 by Patricia Routley
Hello Meryl,
Happy Christmas. I am so glad you re-asked the question. Sometimes the daily load makes things slip between the floorboards, but I am sure many Australians can contribute to this thread. I have just accepted the few flowers of 'Climbing Comtesse de Labarthe' without thinking and perhaps put it down to its very tough location of too near the forest. My 11-year-old plant (Provenance: M. Aberle-1; M. Dixon-2;) is on its own roots and on December 25 had mostly green hips, but with two buds coming. I'll add some photos and watch the rose more in the future.
Reply #2 of 9 posted 26 DEC 10 by Margaret Furness
I'll check the one at Renmark on Jan 10th.
Reply #3 of 9 posted 26 DEC 10 by Meryl
Thank you both. And here's wishing everyone a rosy new year.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 28 DEC 10 by billy teabag
My plant repeats reliably in all but the hottest months here in Perth. It produces some very nice blooms in winter. Summer seems to be the most dormant time, bloom wise, even if the spent blooms are removed regularly and it gets an extra ration of water.
The plant at Araluen Botanic Park has a similar blooming cycle.
Reply #5 of 9 posted 28 DEC 10 by Meryl
That gives me hope. My plant is on it's own roots and putting on lots of growth at present. I will do my best to remember to report, in due course, on how well and when this rose blooms in steamy Sydney.
Reply #6 of 9 posted 31 AUG 14 by Rita Granata
I am inspired by your comments and the notes on this rose in your book Billy. So glad you ladies put this incredibly, informative Tea Roses book together. I have always admired this rose ever since I first saw it in Jane Zammit's garden (then known as Duchess de Brabant) and then growing en masse in the Rumsey Heritage Rose Garden in Parramatta, NSW. I hope to soon grow CDL in my new garden where she will cover up an ARC wire fence which will hide the 'service area' of my yard.
Reply #7 of 9 posted 4 SEP 14 by billy teabag
I think it is a wonderful choice Rita. It's such a beautifully healthy and vigorous plant - and it gets no pampering in this garden! It's very obliging - seems to be equally happy on a fence, around a pole or up a tree. The foliage always looks good - the foliage is nicely dense - and the blooms are lovely - especially lovely in the winter for us. The prickles are sharp and it needs to be handled with respect. Have just given it a bit of a trim and tidy-up so the memory of the sharp prickles is fresh. And it's an Australian sport.
Your post here brought to mind a letter from Sylvia Hannah, who lives in Northern NSW. She and her friend Nancy Rudgley are great lovers of heritage roses and were very active in past years, collecting and sharing old roses.
Sylvia wrote this about her 'Clg Comtesse de Labarthe' (which she called 'Clg Duchesse de Brabant'):
"My two sources were, first from a friend in Sydney. She was not a gardener, but said her father had planted it in 1925. It was struggling in sandy soil, and not in the least did it look like a climber.
The cutting I struck certainly romped in my garden. (Her plant would have been 60 years old.)
The second source was a cutting I grew from a heritage rose open day, at Heather Rumsey's nursery in Dural. We live an hour or so below the Queensland border and I had gone down to Sydney, broken wrist, in a sling, especially to meet all those wonderful people who could open the gate to the world of old roses for me. I had a great day. At the end, there were some rose specimens, which folk had brought for identification, in a jar. These were shared, and 'Clg Duchesse de Brabant' was rooted, and growing lustily for me, in no time. A nice reminder of a happy day shared with nice people."
Reply #8 of 9 posted 24 OCT 14 by Rita Granata
Thank you for your response Billy and for sharing Sylvia's letter with us. It gives me hope but have taken heed of her observation that Cl CdL 'struggled in sandy soils'. It's amazing the lengths people will travel out of love for the rose. As the soils are a sandy/clay mix down here, I've purchased some good, organic soil which will be piled on top of the existing earth. A method I have used in 4 gardens now with great success. Saves on digging and killing useless lawn :)

I'm glad to report that I have now planted Cl. CdL in my new garden, the first of many Teas to grace this 'blank canvass'. The plant already has that new, red growth together with a few buds on it. I will be interesting to document its progress (and that of other Teas/Heritage/DARs) down here in the South Coast of NSW where I have never gardened before. Since spring, I have seen a few roses in some gardens locally, but mostly are HTs and the odd plant in the garden :(

I wonder if Meryl can chime in and tell us how her specimen of CdL up in Sydney is growing?
Reply #9 of 9 posted 22 OCT 16 by Meryl
Sorry Rita, it has taken me a very long time to chime in but I have only just revisited this discussion. I'm afraid my climbing version of this rose gives only the most occasional solitary bloom outside the main spring flush...very different from the shrub form which blooms generously year round.
Discussion id : 92-465
most recent 30 APR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 APR 16 by bumblekim
Growing back after a zone 5b winter. Had mounded soil and leaves to cover and this was the part that remained green and is growing back.. Near Syracuse, NY on a higher ground area in the yard, where I think it avoids a few of the later spring frosts which seem to pool in low areas.
Discussion id : 35-075
most recent 28 NOV 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 MAR 09 by billy teabag
Although this rose is in commerce today under the name 'Clg Duchesse de Brabant', it was introduced under the name 'Climbing Comtesse de Labarthe' and all pre 1980 Australian references found to date list it as 'Climbing Comtesse de Labarthe' [and variations of this].
Reply #1 of 3 posted 26 MAR 09 by jedmar
Thank you, we have added the name.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 28 NOV 13 by billy teabag
The statement on the entry for this rose - 'Introduced in Australia by Royal Nurseries as 'Duchesse de Brabant, Climbing' is incorrect as this rose was introduced by Royal Nurseries as 'Climbing Comtesse de Labarthe'. We have not found any reference to the name 'Climbing Duchesse de Brabant' before the1980s.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 28 NOV 13 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Billy. Fixed.
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