'Rosa x pseudoscabriuscula' rose References
Website/Catalog (2006) Page(s) 75. R. x pseudoscabriuscula (R. Keller) Henker et G. Schulze = R. tomentosa Sm. x R. canina L.
Book (2000) Page(s) 236. Includes photo(s). Nr. 1208 Rosa pseudoscabriuscula (R. Keller) Henker & G. Schulze. Kratz-Rose Indigenous...Alps, pre-Alps, central hiills, flatlands, coast. Regionally endangered. Similar to [Rosa tomentosa], but petals pale pink to deep pink, sepals slanted upright, seldom expanded or strict upright, lasting. Stylus channel ca. 1 mm (mostly 0,8-1,2 mm), broad stalk generally somehat longer than the hip. The boundaries of this family is disputed, seen as typical is a multiple glandular serration; in the here described broad type probably highly polyphyletic.
Book (1937) Page(s) 76. pseudoscabriuscula R. Kell. (sspec. of tomentosa Sm.)