'Roxy™' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Chamblee's roses www.chambleeroses.com/
Home Depot was selling this series through some wholesaler last year, but they were un-labeled. I saw this one, the yellow one, and another pink tone. I considered using them in breeding, but I did not want to take a chance on all of these unknowns.
They were being sold in little containers, not much larger than a 4", which is a nice direction. Anyone could grow them with their annual and perennial beds. The half mini/half landscape rose is a nice idea in concept. Bad distribution and marketing, however.
This would appear to be a different rose from Roxy Kordana. According to the Kordes website, this rose has "dark violet" flowers and is "in general very compact miniature rose in an interesting violet colour, not bluing. Very healthy foliage, enrichment for every garden." It also shows this variety received the ADR in 2008. Roxy Kordana is definitely red, not "dark violet".