'Nambour' rose References
Newsletter (1995) Page(s) 18. Australian Roses. Nambour. Flor. 1954. L. W. Ulrick.
Book (1955) Page(s) 272. New Roses of the World. Nambour. Fl. (L. W. Ulrick ’53) Yvonne Rabier x Mrs. Tom Henderson. Clustered, very double, medium sized, white, flushed pink flowers. Bronze, light green abundant foliage. Very vigorous 4’ plant. .
Book (1955) p70 New Australian Roses. Editor. Nambour. Floribunda. White flushed pink.
p128 New Rose Registrations. The following roses have been registered by Dr. A. S. Thomas, Registrar of Rose Names for Australia and New Zealand: Registration No. 120 Nambour. Floribunda. L. W. Ulrick. Registered January 26, 1954.