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'Music Maker' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 403.  
Music Maker Shrub, light pink, 1973, Buck, Griffith J., int. by Iowa State University .... Description.
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 120.  
Music Maker Buck 1972. Description... not a tall grower... flowers:pink, fragrant, double...
Book  (1972)  Page(s) 109, 160.  
p109.  Griffith J. Buck. Roses Are Shrubs?
'Music Maker'. 'Prairie Princess' x 'Polynesian Sunset'. A gently branching plant that brings flowers all season; pale pink buds, aging to snow-pink open flowers; a pleasant fragrance: this is 'Music Maker'. It, too, can be used with Floribundas, but it can, and does, combine beautifully with blue delphinium, white trumpet lilies, and other summer flowering perennials.

p160.  New Roses of the World.
Music Maker
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