'Frau Karl Druschki X Cristata' rose References
Book (2005) Page(s) 69. location C:229; L:IV/3c Frau Karl Druschki * Cristata Jacobs ca. 1938, HP, pink to pink-white, large, double, medium to tall
Magazine (Apr 1918) Page(s) 22. Since many years I use also the magnificent Moss-rose Cristata in my trials. With sufficient care it is possible to get some pollen from the densely packed fragrant blooms. A flesh-pink seedling of Druschki X Cristata reminds very much of the pollen parent, but repeats little. Never, however, could I pollinate the blooms of Cristata successfully. I was therefore very surprised to find last autumn 2 Cristata plants with a number of red hips. These were collected and the seeds should have been sawn in November. But, alas! When cut open, the hips were totally empty, there was not a single seed in them. I had a similar experience with a Rosa rubiginosa some years ago. Jacobs.