'Pink Promise' rose References
Article (magazine) (2023) 'Pink Promise', Source/Accession RRG [Raleigh Rose Garden] ...Estimated ploidy level(x) 4
Newsletter (Jan 2009) Page(s) 32. Includes photo(s). 'Pink Promise' Chosen to represent the National Breast cancer Foundation with a portion of sales will go to the Foundation. Light pink blend Hybrid Tea is 5' tall with strong dark green foliage, and a strong fruity fragrance. It has elegant, shapely buds , and long stems. PPAF; cv. C0105R211 Coiner 2009; (seedling x seedling)
Book (2007) Page(s) Database. 'Pink Promise' Hybrid Tea, Pink Blend, 2007, Jim Coiner. Includes description, including "no fragrance." Intro.: Coiner Nursery, 2008.
Magazine Page(s) 75. Registration 'Pink Promise', HT, pb, 2006 ... description