'Taglioni' rose References
Book (2012) Page(s) 60. Rosiers du Bengale... B. Taglioni, Pean
Book (1936) Page(s) 692. Taglioni (tea) ? ? ; cherry, center cream to flesh-white, large, double, flat, growth 7/10
Taglioni (china) ? ? ; pure white, large, very double, in clusters of 3-6, short stems, growth 6/10, well-branched
Book (1899) Page(s) 170. Taglioni, thé, cerise Taglioni, Bengale, (ann.)[?], blanc
Book (1889) Page(s) 134. Tea. Mme. Taglioni. Medium size, yellowish white, vigorous.
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. 2, p. 313. Thé. Taglioni. Arbuste vigoureux; rameaux forts; fleur grande, pleine, évasée; coloris crême, au centre chair.
Book (1884) Page(s) 25. Taglioni. Yellowish white bloom, centre flesh and lemon-coloured, large, full, flat cup form, free-growing, floriferous, very pretty in the bud
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 126. tea, china, Taglioni, yellowish white, centre flesh-coloured, large, full, flat cup form, very pretty as bud
Book (1874) Page(s) 103. NOMENCLATURE DES VARIÉTÉS MODERNES. Rosiers thés ou indiens. Taglioni, fleur grande, pleine, centre jaunâtre.
Website/Catalog (1865) Page(s) 2. Taglioni, white, very large and double
Book (1863) Page(s) 273. The Tea-Scented Rose. 111. † Taglioni; flowers creamy white, their centre tinted with flesh and lemon, large and full; form, cupped.
[Teas] which are marked †, are far hardier than the others, and form good Standards.