'News Revue' rose References
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 429. Includes photo(s). Neue Revue (KORev, 'News Review') Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Kordes (Germany) 1962... The flowers are sensational... a rich blending of gold, pink and touchs of coral... 'Neue Revue' was named after a popular and well-respected German magazine of the time...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 300. Includes photo(s). Neue Revue (KORrev, 'News Review') Description... Reimer Kordes introduced 'Neue Revue' in 1962, but held back its parent, 'Königin der Rosen' (aka 'Colour Wonder') until 1964... the blooms can be sensational -- large, perfectly formed, richly blending gold, pink and red with touches of coral... The name honors a widely read and respected German magazine...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 408. Neue Revue® Hybrid Tea, red blend, 1962, (KORrev; 'News Review'); 'Colour Wonder' x Seedling; Kordes. Description.
Book (1988) Page(s) 141. Includes photo(s). Neue Revue Description... Parentage: 'Königin der Rosen' [aka 'Colour Wonder'] x seedling...
Book (1972) Page(s) 142. Dr. Thomas, Victoria. The New Ones. Neue Revue, HT. (Kordes, 1969) caused quite a sensation at the N.R.S.V. Autumn Show in 1971. It is unique in its cream colouring with heavy carmine banding of each petal of the perfectly formed though flattish blooms. Unfortunately it is extremely thorny and its constitution is poor.
Book (1971) p24. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Neue Revue HT. (Kordes). Silvery-white edged red. About 55 petals in a good flower. However for us the growth is not satisfactory, the stems having very pithy wood which usually spells trouble in our climate. ('Konigin der Rosen' x 'Liberty Bell'.)
p152. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria. The New Ones. Neue Revue HT. (R. Kordes, 1969). Parentage not given. Extremely thorny. It would not be surprising if this rose suffers from constitutional die-back when established. Young foliage is mahogany coloured. The well formed blooms are in the colour group of 'Kordes' Perfecta', 'Silver Lining', 'Scandale' and 'Handel'.
p154. Mr. W. G. Treloar, Victoria. The New Ones. Neue Revue (Kordes). This striking bi-colour of white, heavily flushed dark red, grows well and is capable of producing good quality show blooms.
Magazine (Dec 1970) Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 47. Palmares des principaux Concours Européens... Le Roeulx... Floribundas... Certificat de Mérite: Neue Revue (Kordes)
Website/Catalog (1970) Page(s) front cover. Includes photo(s). Neue Revue (novità Kordes – Marchio Depositato) Su un peduncolo lungo e rigido, il boccio turbinato, di rara eleganza, si apre un fiore immenso, profumatissimo che si conserva straordinariamente a lungo mantenendo ognora la sua forma perfetta sino alla simultanea caduta dei petali. Pianta robusta, ben ramificata, sana e con fogliame verde brillante; rimane ininterrottamente fiorita da maggio ai geli.