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'Mabella ®' rose References
Book  (2013)  Page(s) 95.  
Len Johnston, Queensland. ‘Mabella’ (Kordes, 1973) mid-yellow, fragrant, fairly tall grower. A striking rose in the garden, it is nearly always in flower and a quick repeater. I can recommend this one for any home gardeners – if you can get it.
Book  (2011)  Page(s) 208.  Includes photo(s).
[Photo of arrangement with some ‘Mabella’ paling at the edges.]
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 356.  
New Day, HT, my, 1973, [Arlene Francis x Roselandia], Kordes, R ... description
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 215.  
‘New Day’. HT. Good reliable rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Habit: 6. Kordes, 1977. Provenance: Pickering. An elegant, if leggy, beauty; flowers the color of lemon-curd with a lemony-rosy perfume.
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 202.  Includes photo(s).
‘Mabella’ Hybrid tea. Syns KORgold, ‘New Day’. This is one of the most productive of medium yellow roses. Flowers are lovely at all stages. Long, pointed ovoid buds open to large, double, exhibition-style, intensely fragrant flowers in a very clear mimosa yellow. The color holds in all weathers and it is an excellent cut flower. The foliage is large and light green and the growth is vigorous and upright. It is at its best in cooler weather and can stand colder winters than most others in its class. It was bred by Kordes and introduced in 1977. (‘Arlene Francis’ x ‘Roselandia’). Zones 6-10.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 67.  Includes photo(s).
‘Mabella’. Hybrid Tea. Syns KORgold, ‘New Day’. Bred by Kordes (Germany); introduced 1977. Repeat-flowering; strong fragrance (‘Arlene Francis’ x ‘Roselandia’). Zones 5-10.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 62-63.  Includes photo(s).
One of Rayford Reddell's choices for its cut-flowers... introduced to commerce in 1977 as 'Mabella', the name it's still known by in Europe... its blossoms are admired for their fragrance and larger-than-usual size... 'New Day' holds up well even where summers are scorchers...
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 144.  
Jean Newman. Reliable Roses. ‘Mabella’ Kordes, 1973. Beautiful, well-formed medium sized blooms with clear lemon-yellow petals; can suffer badly from mildew.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 430.  Includes photo(s).
‘New Day’. KORgold. Syn: ‘Mabella’. Modern, large-flowered hybrid tea. Medium yellow. Repeat-flowering. The ovoid buds of this rose open to mimosa yellow, classic-shaped flowers. They are 4-5 in (10-12 cm) in diameter, double with 30 petals, very fragrant, and seem immune to weather damage. The flower form can, depending on climate, be high centered with excellent symmetry, but it is mostly decorative and informal. The non-fading blooms generally last well, making them suitable for cut flowers. It is an upright, vigorous bush that prefers cool weather and has large light green foliage. Those in the cut-flower trade refer to it by the synonym ‘Mabella’. This rose is another example of the huge commitment by Reimer Kordes to produce disease-resistant plants that are winter hardy. Zones 4-10. Kordes, Germany, 1977. ‘Arlene Francis’ x ‘Roselandia’.
Website/Catalog  (1999)  Page(s) 11.  
'Mabella'. Hardy, long lasting blooms of mimosa yellow, large and formal, light green foliage. Medium height. Double. Cutting. Fragrant.
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