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'Miss Lawrance's Rose' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 122-099
most recent 11 JUN 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 JUN 20 by CybeRose
Flora Cochinchinensis, vol. 1 p. 324 (1790)
João de Loureiro
†S. 6. ROSA NANKINENSIS. α Hoa heung tieo. β Tsiao Mui höa.
Differ. spec. Ros. germinibus ovatis, glabris: caule multiplici, ramosissimo, aculeato, tortuoso, brevissimo: pedunculis hispidis.
Hab., & notae. Caulis fruticosus, lignosus, 6-pollicaris, crassus, multiplex, ramosissimus, totus aculeatus. Folia impari-pinnata, 3-juga: petiolis aculeatis: foliolis ovato-oblongis, acuminatis, ciliato-serratis, planis, sessilibus. Flos pallide ruber, parvus, plenus: petalis ovato-oblongis, sub-acuminatis, planis: pedunculis hispidis. Germina ovata, calycina, glabra: calycis laciniis 5, partim aculeatis, partim nudis.
Habitat Cantone Sinarum, & alibi, a Nankino oriunda. Affinitatem habet cum Rosa Pumila. Lin. Jun. suppl. pl. pag. 262. Ast in Nankinensi fructus nec magnus, nec pyriformis: caulis vero aculeatus totus.
Discussion id : 93-161
most recent 10 JUN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 JUN 16 by CybeRose
Voyage pittoresque (1812
rose changeante

A voyage to the Isle of Mauritius (1775)
…bears Little flowers like roses; upon its stem there are five or six, variegated alike, from a deep blood-red to the brightest scarlet.

These may be references to Hibiscus mutabilis.

Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle, Volume 14, page 668 (1828)
Rose changeante ou de Cayenne (Bot. Phan.), une Ketmie.

Ketmie is an old name for Hibiscus. E.g.,
Ketmie changeante = Hibiscus mutabilis
Ketmie gombo = Hibiscus esculentus (okra)
Reply #1 of 2 posted 5 JUN 16 by jedmar
Possibly, but Hibiscus mutabilis blooms are about 4-6" and the shrub 6-10', not exactly a small plant.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 10 JUN 16 by CybeRose
My bad.
In the 1812 statement, "C’est peut-être cette rose de la Chine que la père Kirchner a eue en vue, dans sa description de la rose changeante de ces pays", it was Kirchner who I think was probably discussing Hibiscus mutabilis.

I can't remember now why I included the 1775 reference.
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