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'MACkati' rose References
Website/Catalog  (25 Jan 2016)  Includes photo(s).
Registered Name: 'Mackati'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Old Port
F, m, 1990, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers medium, full, moderate fragrance; foliage medium size, medium green, matte; bushy growth; PP10698 [(Anytime × Eyepaint) × Big Purple]
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p7
1989. Old Port - Mackati. Nicknamed Kati.
Website/Catalog  (Aug 1998)  Page(s) 14.  
Old Port (MACkati) Floribunda. McGredy 1992... A strongly scented purple bloom on a plant about 2' 6" high. The flowers are quite large and full, akin to the old cabbage roses...
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 115.  
Nola Simpson. Final Analysis 1997-98
Old Port (MACkati);McGredy 1991; Seedling x 'Big Purple'; purple; 61 reports on 142 plants; 95 cms; 6.8 rating. This purple floribunda has been widely reported on and all agree it is an interesting rose with an old-fashioned quartered form in a blend of red and mauve rather than a straight purple, very fragrant. Most complaints refer to the poor repeat of flowers and the plants not growing well, flowers fade out greyish in the sun. A Gisborne grower suggests growing in partial shade to overcome this fault. Many consider it is only the colour, form and perfume that commends it to grow and the number of reports have declined in the last year or two, which tells a story! Downy mildew, dieback and blackspot mentioned in reports, mites rather partial to it and it is a short compact grower.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 60.  
Old Port (MACkati) Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush. Description... clusters of double purple blooms... Parentage: [('Anytime' x 'Eyepaint') x 'Purple Splendour'] x 'Big Purple'. McGredy (New Zealand) 1991
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 106.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1995-96 Season.
Old Port (MACkati); McGredy 1991; Seedling x 'Big Purple'; purple; 18 reports on 42 bushes; 1-5 years; 90cms; 6.4 rating. Further reports in on this purple floribunda with variable ratings. Some enthuse others detract, mostly criticised for pathetic plants which lack vigour. Enthusiasts like colour and perfume, flowers fade badly and the repeat is very slow. Northland thinks the colour is the only thing to commend it. Wellington likes the old fashioned form. Carterton is unimpressed as the flowers fade badly. Central Otago considers that only the colour and the perfume is any good. From Feilding little growth, few flowers, some black spot and small flowers. Not impressive to date.
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 106.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1994-95 Season.
Old Port (MACkati); McGredy 1991; Seedling x 'Big Purple'; purple; 10 reports on 29 bushes; 1-3 years; 90cms; 7.2 rating. Further reports in on this purple floribunda with variable ratings. All agree it is an interesting rose with old fashioned quartered form in a blend of red and mauve rather than a straight purple, very fragrant. Most complain about the poor repeat of flowers and the plants not growing well, flowers fade out greyish. Gisborne suggests growing in partial shade could be helpful for the colour.
Book  (1994)  
p55. Nola Simpson New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 23. 1991-1993.
No. 1870. 69.2 points. Fl/HT. Old Port (MACkati) McGredy. Agent: Egmont. Burgundy/purple.

p105. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1993-94 Season.
Old Port (MACkati); McGredy 1991; Seedling x 'Big Purple'; purple; 14 reports on 31 bushes; 1-3 years; 90cms; 6.9 rating. Further reports on this purple floribunda with variable ratings. All agree it is an interesting rose with old-fashioned quartered form in a blend of red and mauve rather than a straight purple, very fragrant. Most complain about the poor repeat of flowers and the plants not growing well, flowers fade out greyish. Gisborne suggests growing in partial shade could be helpful for the colour.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 418.  
Old Port F. m. 1990. (MACkati); ((Anytime x Eyepaint) x Purple Splendour) x Big Purple.....
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 103.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1992-93 Season
Old Port MACkati. McGredy 1991; Seedling x 'Big Purple'; purple; 10 reports on 11 bushes; 1-2 years; 80cms; 6.8 rating. First reports in on this new purple floribunda with variable ratings. All agree it is an interesting rose with old fashioned quartered form in a blend of red and mauve rather than a straight purple, very fragrant. Most complain about the poor repeat of flowers, although a Franklin grower considers it more free flowering than most in this colour range. Short grower, reasonably healthy although the mites are rather partial to it and black spot in some areas. A Tokoroa grower suggests it looks best in a cottage garden setting. Next year should give us a better idea.
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