'Grimpant Orange Meillandina' rose Photos
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Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Tokyo Metropolitan Jindai Botanical Gardens, 30/6/2016
Uploaded 24 APR 23 |
[Northern Italy, May 2011] Orange Meillandina Gpt. (front) at its second year in a pot in my balcony, exposure East. The treillage lets daylight filter from the other side, so the plant manages to get some Sun in the noon, on the back of the leaves, totaling a full ten hours of lighting every day.
Uploaded 3 JUL 11 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Tokyo Metropolitan Jindai Botanical Gardens, 30/6/2016
Uploaded 24 APR 23 |
[Northern Italy, May 2011] Orange Meillandina Gpt. (side) at its second year in a pot in my balcony, exposure East. The treillage lets daylight filter from the other side, so the plant manages to get some Sun in the noon, on the back of the leaves, totaling a full ten hours of lighting every day.
Uploaded 3 JUL 11 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Tokyo Metropolitan Jindai Botanical Gardens, 30/6/2016
Uploaded 24 APR 23 |
Vinhais (northeast of Portugal), JUNE 06 2010.
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 18 JUN 10 |
From the autumn 1988 catalogue of Roseraies E. Tschanz, p. 28 Courtesy of the Archives of Roseraie du Val de Marne
Uploaded 3 DEC 21 |
(2010-apr-21) North Italy, first bloom of my Orange Meillandina Gpt.
PLEASE NOTE: this represents an early stage, NOT the final form of the bloom - see other pictures here on HelpMeFind.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 24 APR 10 |
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