Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 428. Padre Hybrid Tea, red blend, 1921, Cant, B.R. Description.
Magazine (Jun 1951) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 57. [From the article "Le Rosier sur la Côte d'Azur", by Joseph Baccialone, Ingénieur Horticole, Chef de Service des Jardins de la Ville d'Antibes, pp. 46-59] Le Groupe den Pernetiana, dans lequel se trouvent, la plupart des roses nouvelles, est celui qui donne les moins bons résultats. Les plants redoutent la chaleur et poussent très mal ou disparaissent après un ou deux ans de plantation. Les suivantes sont tout de même à conseiller : — Padre, corail mêlé de jaune et rouge.
Book (1947) Page(s) 116. ‘Grand Duchesse Charlotte’ ....somewhat resembles the older variety Padre, but it is fuller in petalage.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 22. PADRE (B. R. Cant 1920). Fleur écarlate cuivré, teinté jaune à la base grande, semi double.
[no longer listed in 1959]
Website/Catalog (1941) Page(s) 9. 'Grand Duchesse Charlotte'.....blooms are somewhat after the style of Padre, but with more petals.
Book (1939) Page(s) 84. John Poulsen. The Rose as a Shrub. Some of the Rose bushes in Mrs. G. Hampton Rhodes' garden are an excellent illustration of the success that can be obtained by practising long-pruning. I have seen bushes in this garden which were five to six feet in height, and they were crowned with huge blooms of most perfect form. A plant of Padre, nearly seven feet in height, was covered with magnificent blooms of most gorgeous colouring. The flowers stood bolt upright, and did not show the weak stems usually associated with this variety. Roses pruned lightly will always give much longer stems for cutting, and this adds considerably to their value for decorative purposes.
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 36. ‘Cynthia’…..Like a richly coloured Padre but with 30-40 petals
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 12. Padre Hybrid Tea. B.R. Cant & Sons 1920
Book (1936) Page(s) 535. Padre (hybrid lutea) B. Cant 1920; coppery cherry-red or scarlet-red, base golden-yellow, medium size, semi-double, cup form, fine form, lasting, solitary or up to 4, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, long strong stems, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1934) Page(s) 116. Includes photo(s). Padre (HT) (Be. R. Cant, 1920) Vigoroso, eretto, estremamente fiorifero; fiore di bella forma, di color rosa ramato vivace, tinto di giallo alla base.