'Floriade' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 165. 'FLORIADE', Gr, ob, 1963; Description. [Montezuma sport]; van der Schilden; Armstrong Nursery
Book (1965) p14. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Floriade HT. A sport of 'Montezuma' which with us did not look much different from the parent. Perhaps there is a little less "blue", but most people would pass by it and never know the difference. Further selecting seems indicated.
p83. Dr. A. S. Thomas, New Roses in Victoria. Floriade HT. (Van der Schilden, 1963) A sport of 'Montezuma' and I find it almost indistinguishable - it is a shade darker. Very little perfume.
Book (1964) Page(s) 52. Dr. A. S. Thomas. Horticulture Overseas. Floriade HT. (Maanen and Mantel, 1961). Orange sport of 'Montezuma'.
Book (1963) Page(s) 70. John W. Groenveld, Collingswood, New Jersey. One Man's Thorny Opinion. Floriade (HT, Schilden). Orange sport of 'Montezuma'. Long lasting, medium sized blooms on a vigorous plant.