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'Rosa anemonoides Rehder Synonym' rose References
Article (website)  (2008)  
Rosa lucidissima H. Léveillé
Collector, J. Davalerie, 1903. Locality, China. Rosa chinensis x. Rosa laevigata ?, det. A. Rehder, 1929.
Collector, T. T. Yü, 1932. Locality, Sichuan, Mt. Omei. Remarks: among bushes. Spiny shrub, 5 ft. Leaf dark green above, lighter beneath; flower dark red.
Collector, T. T. Yü, 1932. Locality, Sichuan, Mt. Omei. Remarks: Cultivated. Vine, tree-like, 30 ft. Bark brownish, scaly. Leaf bright green above, blueish beneath; flowers reddish pink.
Article (magazine)  (2006)  Page(s) 187.  
R.kweichonensis, R. laevigata, R. chinensis ‘Samatha’, and R. lucidissima are immune to this disease [powdery mildew].
Article (magazine)  (2004)  Page(s) 189-196.  
This was a study comparing several plants of the three different forms of Rosa roxburghii as well as R. sterilis, R. kweichonensis, R. laevigata, R. lucidissima, R. multiflora var. cathayensis, R. multiflora var. multiflora and R. omeiensis. Using morphological and genetic characteristics, which were then examined with statistical tools, the researchers tested the "genetic relatedness" of 13 different plants. In morphological traits, "Close relationships were found between...R. laevigata and R. lucidissima." Using RAPD analysis, R. laevigata and R. lucidissima formed a cluster. Using AFLP analysis and the statistical threshold determined by the researchers, R. laevigata and R. lucidissima are distinct species, although these two species were not the focus of the investigation.
Book  (1 May 2003)  
Rosa lucidissima H. Léveillé syn. Rosa anemonoides Rehder; R. lucidissima f. setosa Cardot.
Shrubs evergreen or semi-evergreen, climbing. Branchlets robust, glabrous when old; prickles sparse, curved, flat, gradually tapering to base; bristles sometimes dense. Leaves including petiole 6–11 cm; stipules ... glabrous, margin glandular....rachis and petiole shortly prickly, sparsely glandular-pubescent; leaflets usually 3, rarely 5 ...deep green... often purple-brown when old, oblong-ovate ... glabrous... apex caudate-acuminate or acute. Flower solitary, 3–3.5 cm in diam.; bracts absent. Hypanthium pyriform or obovoid. Sepals ... margin entire or slightly incised...deciduous. Petals 5, purple-red...Styles free, exserted, purple-red, equaling stamens, pubescent. Hip often black-purple, pyriform or obovoid, smooth. Flowers Apr–Jun, fruit May–Aug.
Mixed forests, scrub; 400--1400 m. Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan.
Magazine  (1921)  Page(s) 11.  
In "New Species, Varieties and Combination From the Herbarium and the Collections of the Arnold Arboreum," by Alfred Rehder
x Rosa amenonoides (R. laevigata x odorata) [syn.] "Anemonen-Rose" J. C. Schmidt...- Rosa laevigata "Anémone Rose" Mottet....-R. sinica "Anemone" ...- R. laevigata var. "Rose-Anemone" Easleee...- Rosa laevigata x chinensis "Rose Anemone" Willmott...
This hybrid which was raised by J. C. Schmidt of Erfurt, sometimes before 1896 from seed of R. laevigata Michx., resembles in its general characters its parent and was considered by Mottet only a variety of R. laevigata, but its larger pink flowers, the occasional occurrence of 5-foliolate leaves, the less bristly receptacle, the exserted styles and particularly the stipules adnate about one half of their length to the petiole show the influence of some other Rose which was to all appearances a Tea or a Hybrid Tea Rose; the exserted styles, the shape of the stipules and the texture, shape and serration of leaflets indicate the influences of R. odorata Sweet.
Magazine  (1917)  Page(s) 125.  
ROSA LUCIDISSIMA Lévl. in Fedde, Repert., IX, p. 444. —
Cette espèce, sommairement décrite par Mgr Léveillé, appartient à la section Indicae et peut être comparée au R. gigantea Collett; elle en diffère par ses fleurs beaucoup plus petites, d'un rouge foncé, et par les feuilles des rameaux florifères toutes trifoliolées.
Stipules longuement soudées au pétiole, à ailes très étroites, glanduleuses aux bords, à sommets libres étroits, divergents; feuilles persistantes, devenant très coriaces; fruit gros, subpiriforme, ligneux, couronné par les sépales persistants et réfléchis.
C'est, à tort que Mgr Léveillé dit les styles glabres : ils sont assez hérissés sur le N° 990 de Cavalerie, cité par l'auteur comme type de son R. lucidissima.

Cette Rose est représentée dans les Collections du Muséum par deux formes :

1° Forma laevis : rameaux , pédoncules et tube du calice complètement lisses. — Kouy-tcheou : San-chouen (Cavalerie, 1912; n° 3942); Hiny-fou, route de San-chouen (Cavalerie, 1912 ; n° 8927).

2° Format setosa : rameaux, pédoncules et tube du calice couverts de très nombreuses soies raicles, glanduleuses au sommet. — Kouy-tcheou : Pin-là, bois (Cavalerie, 1903 ; n" 990). Cette forme est le R. lucidissima type de Léveillé.

Il m'est absolument impossible de partager l'opinion de Rehder et Wilson, qui considèrent cette Rose comme un état du R. chinensis Jacq. (=indica L. -pp.) forma sponlanea Rehd. et Wils. (PL Wilson, 11, p. 313) ; je suppose que ces auteurs n'ont pas vu l'espèce de Mgr Léveillé.
Magazine  (Nov 1910)  Page(s) 444.  
Rosa lucidissima Lévl. [ed.: description is in botanical Latin]
...folia 3 foliolate...ramulis anni et tubo calycino elliptico densissime hispidis; flores magni, rubi, odori...styli liberi...Planto primo aspectu foliis nitidis, coriaceis, ramis tubisque calycinis densissime hispidis dignoscitur.
Roughly translates to: leaves 3-foliate...peduncle and elliptic calyx tube densely hispid; flowers large, red, fragrant...styles free...The plant's primary appearance is distinguished by shiny, leathery leaves and trumpet-shaped calyx-tube densely covered with bristles.
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