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"Phalaenopsis" rose References
Website/Catalog  (28 Feb 2018)  
'Butterfly Kisses'   This extremely healthy, free-flowering polyantha rose was released in 1920, also known as ‘Chatillon Rose’, ‘Phalaenopsis’ & ‘Nearly Wild’. Grows hip high producing dense, large sprays of 25 to 45 single blooms virtually forever. Ideal border plant that responds well when trimmed with hedge clippers. Prominent stamens attract butterflies.
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2012)  Page(s) 23.  
“Phalaenopsis.” (2008, Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society Rose Show) This rose was discovered by G. Michael Shoup of Antique Rose Emporium outside of Austin in Copeland, Texas at least two decades ago. The rose is variously classified as a floribunda or a polyantha, although some catalogs have noted a similarity to a small Hybrid Musk. The plant grows to three or four feet in height and about as much in width. The blooms of deep pink with a white center in single-petal form appear in clusters with regularity from spring through fall. The rose apparently suffers from powdery mildew in climates where that is a primary concern
Website/Catalog  Page(s) 63.  
Phalaenopsis Polyantha. Found. Nearly single cool rose-pink flowers with a white eye and white stamens in very large candelabras; almost like a small Hybrid Musk.
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