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'Pink Léda' rose References
Book  (2021)  Page(s) 212.  Includes photo(s).
Damask roses ....'Pink Léda'... Known in culture in Sweden sonce the 1940s .... Description .... According to the DNA study of POM 'Pink Leda' s closest relatives are 'Pipar Hans' in the Bourbon group, 'Erik' in the Damask group and 'Duchesse de Rohan' in the Portland group. Their similarity indices are 64,0, 61,5 and 60,0%. The next closest relatives are 'Blanchefleur' in the Centifolia group as well as three sorts of the Damask group: 'Agathe Incarnata', ?Järnvägeren' and 'Beas Lustiga'. These four varieties have similarity indices between 57,7 and 55,6% with 'Pink Leda'. 
Newsletter  (2000)  Page(s) 29.  
Jay Williams says Leonie Bell discovered that Pink Leda preceded the 'Leda' that is white. The white 'Leda' should be 'Bordee de Rouge'. Both date from 1827, can be found on Page 115 of Desportes. Reference - Old Roser's Digest, April 2000.
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 173.  
Pink Leda Damask. Probably Germany pre-1844. Description and cultivation... flowers: pink... Identical in all other respects to 'Leda' including the red markings on the outer edge of its petals. Perhaps 'Leda' is a sport from this cultivar...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 453.  
Damask (OGR), medium pink, 'Léda' sport or vice versa; Prior to 1844. Flowers light to medium pink, crimson edging on petals.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 23.  
[describes visit to Ireland in 1949].. Also in their [Mr and Mrs Salmon at Larchfield, Dublin] collection were two roses which I have, I think, traced successfully since: the pink sport or parent of 'Leda' and 'Blush Hip', the climbing pink Rosa alba.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 158.  
Léda, Pink form. There is little doubt that this is a sport from the above variety, or it may be that the 'Painted damask' arose from this pink type. They are identical apart from colour; in this form the colour is a soft uniform rosy-pink, darker in the bud and again very fragrant. this form was apparently better known on the Continent, while the 'Painted Damask' was more grown over here.
Book  (1964)  
I have a pink sport which may or may not be the original type. 'Leda' is shown in Smith's Florist's Magazine, 1836, and originated in England, while the pink form or type was better known in France.
Book  (1840)  Page(s) 403, 407.  
p. 403: No. 607 painted belgic [Léda]

p. 407: No. 937 damas leda [Pink Léda?]
Book  (1828)  Page(s) 115.  
Variétés dont la palce est incertaine.
2518. Léda.- Fl. rose.
Magazine  (1827)  Page(s) 216.  
 Pirolle, M., Amateur Cultivator, and formerly Editor of the Bon Jardinier :
Le Jardinier Amateur, ou l'Horticulture Français ; Premier Supplément. Paris. 12mo. 2 fr.
The following list is given of “ Roses which appear the most worthy of selection by amateurs, taken from the most numerous collections of France.”...
Roses with flowers of the second size, or from 18 to 24 lines in diameter....
91. Leda, rose,
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