'MEIjidiro' rose References
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 434. Includes photo(s). Pink Sunblaze (MEIjidiro, 'Pink Meillandina') Miniature. Marie-Louisette Meilland 1980. Description... exactly the same as the original except that the color is medium rose-pink, centred in gold... best as a pot-plant. Parentage: Sport from 'Orange Sunblaze'
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 453. Pink Meillandina® Miniature, medium pink, 1982, (MEIjidiro; 'Pink Sunblaze'); 'Orange Sunblaze' sport; Meilland, M.L. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 293, 294 (photo). Includes photo(s). Pink Sunblaze ('Pink Meillandina', MEIjidoro) Miniature. Parentage: Sport of 'Orange Sunblaze'. France 1983. Description and cultivation... Apart from its clear pink colour, this rose is ine very respect the same as its parent 'Orange Sunblaze'...
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 32. Includes photo(s). Pink Meillandina
Website/Catalog (1984) Page(s) 18. Pink Meillandina ® Meijidiro Rose Meilland 1984. Splendide miniature rose pur. Idéal pour balcons, rocailles et petites bordures.
Book (1984) Page(s) 119. Angela Pawsey. New Varieties 1983. 'Pink Sunblaze'. (Meijidiro). sport of 'Orange Sunblaze'.....