'Primrose Queen' rose References
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 317. Primrose Queen China. W.E. Lippiatt pre-1918
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 272. W.E. Lippiat, rosarian, introduced, among other varieties, the China 'Primrose Queen'.
Book (1990) Page(s) 71. Primrose Queen China. 1922... a colour sport of 'Arethusa'... light yellow...
Book (1983) Page(s) 56. K. J. Nobbs. The Lippiatts - Rose Breeders. ....Other introductions were: 'Primrose Queen', 1911, a China Tea bright primrose yellow throughout.
Book (1941) Page(s) 97. T. A. Stewart, Editor. Roses of New Zealand. 1911 - 'Primrose Queen' (china), deep, long pointed, yellow sport from 'Arethusa'. (Dickson said greatly superior to 'Peace').
Book (1936) Page(s) 583. Primrose Queen (hybrid china) ? 1922 ; sport of Arethusa; primrose-yellow, sometimes pink reflexes, medium size, double, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1920) Page(s) 160. New Zealand Roses. 'Primrose Queen'. China Tea. Primrose yellow. Vigorous, winter flowerer. Raiser W. E. Lippiatt, (Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand)
Book (1920) Page(s) 160. 'Primrose Queen'. China Tea. Primrose yellow. Vigorous. winter flowerer. W. E. Lippiatt (Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand)