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'Radway Sunrise' rose References
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 494.  Includes photo(s).
Radway Sunrise ('Morning Colors') Description... one of the earliest successful attempts to harness the extraordinary color genes of 'Masquerade' in a shrub rose... yellow with cerise-pink at the edges of the petals and changing to deep cherry red as they age... It was so named because the Waterhouse nursery was at Radway Green in Cheshire, England... Royal National Rose Society Trial Ground Certificate 1962...
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 31.  

Radway Sunrise (Modern Shrub) A moderately vigorous shrub bearing clusters of single flowers of a very unusual and striking shade. They are a mixture of flame and cerise-pink with a buff-yellow Base. The colours are suffused and the general effect is of glowing warmth, eye-catching but not gaudy. A fine shrub rose. 1962. (R) 5 x 4’

Book  (1963)  Page(s) 161.  

Trial Ground Awards 1962. 
Trial Ground Certificate to Radway Sunrise (Shrub).  Trial Ground No. C. 4. Reg. No. 740. Raiser and Distributor: Waterhouse Nurseries, Crewe. 'Masquerade' seedling. Vigour of growth, 9. Habit of growth branching with dark green foliage, 9. Freedom from disease, 15. Blooms single (5 petals), 3 1/2 inches across when open, 6.  Colour  yellow with cherry at edge of petals, changing to deep cherry-red with age, 7. Repeat of flowering, 16. General effect, 8. Fragrance, 3. 

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