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'Red Dandy' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 487.  
Red Dandy Floribunda, medium red (cherry-red), 1959, 'Ena Harkness' x 'Karl Herbst'; Norman. Description.
Book  (1962)  Page(s) 23.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.   New Roses in Victoria. 
Red Dandy Florib. (Norman, 1959) Large, bright scarlet, double, conical florets borne in heads of three to five. This does not seem to meet the usual requirements of a Floribunda. More or less a small edition of 'Ena Harkness'. It could supersede 'Frensham',  of which I have never been an admirer.
Book  (1961)  Page(s) 21.  
Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW.  New Roses. 
Red Dandy  Floribunda HT-shaped blooms, with the reverse of the petals lighter than the inner face.
Website/Catalog  (1961)  Page(s) 3.  
Novelty Roses 1961. Red Dandy Poly. (Norman, 1959). Large blooms, 4" across of glorious crimson scarlet. Flowers in clusters with slight fragrance. Strong straight stems on vigorous growth. 10/6 each.
Book  (1961)  Page(s) 159.  
Show Awards and Trial Ground Awards 1960. 
Certificate of Merit  Red Dandy (flori-HT type) Trial Ground No.. 1641. Reg No. 540.  Raiser: A. Norman, Surrey. Distributor R. Harkness and Co, Ltd., Hitchin. Vigour of growth 8. Habit of growth upright with large mid-green foliage 8. Freedom from disease 16. Blooms shapely, full in bud (38 petals), 3 to 3 1/2 inches when open 7. Colour rose red number 724 but much deeper, much paler on the outside of the petals 8. Freedom of flowering 16. General effect 6. Fragrance 4. 
Book  (1960)  

p135. Show Awards and Trial Ground Awards 1959. 
Trial Ground Certificate Red Dandy (flori. H.T. type). Trial Ground   No. 1641. Reg.  No. 540. Raiser: A. Norman, Normandy.   Distributor: R. Harkness & Co. Ltd., Hitchin. Growth vigorous and upright with large mid-green foliage 16. Freedom from disease 16.  Blooms large and full, 4 to 4 1/2 inches across when open (38 petals), colour of Rose Red No. 724 but much deeper. Much paler on  the outside of the petals 15.  Freedom of flowering 16. General effect  6. Fragrance,

p160.  Photo.  Red Dandy (floribinda H.T. Type).  Raised by A. Norman. Trial Ground Certificate 1959. 

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