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'Rui no Namida' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 97-710
most recent 23 FEB 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 FEB 17 by BarbaraG SE Virginia
Chris at Newflora posted that Pink Enchantment does not like being into a pot. So I'm definitely putting it in the ground! Now I've seen how exquisite the blooms are I can't part with this one. Hope I can keep her happy.
Discussion id : 94-647
most recent 30 AUG 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 AUG 16 by BarbaraG SE Virginia
Seems to hate our humid SE Virginia heat. I'd planned to grow it in a container in full sun but the reflected heat from the patio is too much for it. Next to it is a new own-root Savannah-- which LOVES it. I think Pink Enchantment will be pretty in the garden next to Mystic Beauty.
Discussion id : 72-268
most recent 29 JUN 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 JUN 13 by selectroses
This is an outstanding garden rose. We have sold it at our local nursery for a few years and everyone comments on how resistant to disease it is. Most people in Canada do not spray their roses and this variety grows well and stays very clean in no spray gardens. IN our climate I would rate it as highest resistance to black spot and also mildew. The plant is powerful growing with each rose on long cutting stems. It has a nice fragrance as well. If all hybrid teas were this healthy, the general public wouldn't think that roses are hard to grow. It seems to flower best in cooler temperatures.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 JUN 15 by boopie
I agree this is a very healthy and vigorous bush. In my hot dry climate, I do not find it to be a fragrant rose at all. The blossoms also seem to have a faded antique tone to them. I am giving this bush to a friend who has a French Lace rose bush; I think they would compliment each other in her garden.
Discussion id : 74-238
most recent 13 JUN 15 SHOW ALL
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 JUN 15 by boopie
This is a disease free bush in my garden in southern California. But the color always looks faded. The form or the rose is beautiful, I just don't like the faded antique look. It repeat blooms very well, It is a perfect bush, but I will be giving this to a good home, as I just don't enjoy this rose as much as I thought I would. Most pictures I have seen show a clear pink, but in my garden it is an antique faded pink. Just don't like it for that reason. A very healthy and strong rose bush. Maybe it is just my climate.
Reply #2 of 1 posted 13 JUN 15 by bluebuster77
I am just getting Pink Enchantment this year, lets see how is goes in Northern CA
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