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'Robin des Bois' rose References
Book  (Feb 2009)  Page(s) 223.  
‘Robin Hood’: Hybrides Musqués. Parents: semis x ‘Miss Edith Caldwell’. Obtenteur: Pemberton, 1927. Un rosier facile et si gai avec ses pyramides de minuscules fleurs ébouriffées, presque simples, d’un rose carmin foncé, éclairé de blanc au coeur…
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 409.  
Robin Hood   Chromosome number 14  (Wylie, 1955)  [Provenance: Guillot] 
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 368.  
Robin Hood Hybrid Musk. Pemberton, 1927. From an unnamed seedling x 'Edith Cavell' (Polyantha). [The author cites information from different sources...] Light red... Pink, nuanced carmine
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 510.  Includes photo(s).
Robin Hood ('Robin des Bois') Modern Shrub. Pemberton (UK) 1927. Description... The simple, small, cherry red blooms are produced in large clusters and are extremely fragrant... this variety's chief claim to fame is that it was one of the parents of 'Iceberg'...
Book  (Mar 1995)  Page(s) 147.  
Robin Hood Pemberton (England) 1927. Hybrid Musk. Description... bright cherry red with a white eye, an exception to the Pemberton preference for soft colors... One of the greatest stud roses of all time, 'Robin Hood' is an ancestor of 'Queen Elizabeth' and, through a separate line, of nearly all modern floribunda as well as many of David Austin's English roses. This rose was introduced by Florence Pemberton after her brother's death in 1926...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 348.  Includes photo(s).
Robin Hood Hybrid Musk. Joseph Pemberton 1927... cherry-red to carmine flowers... a noteworthy parent... Unnamed seedling x 'Miss Edith Cavell'
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 499.  
Hybrid Musk (Shrub), medium red, 1927, ('Rob in des Bois'); Seedling x 'Miss Edith Cavell'; Pemberton. Flowers cherry-red, blooms in large clusters; vigorous (4-5 ft.), dense, compact; recurrent.
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 368.  
Robin Hood Hybrid Musk. Pemberton 1927. Parentage: Seedling x 'Edith Cavell' (Polyantha). The author cites information from different sources... Light red... Pink, nuanced carmine...
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 38.  

Robin Hood* (Hybrid Musk) Trusses of rich scarlet flowers on a tidy, well foliated plant. 1927.  H. (C) 4 x 3’.

Book  (1985)  Page(s) 87.  
Robin Hood in the hands of Kordes was to have an important effect on modern roses... 'Robin Hood' is red, more of a Polyantha than a Hybrid Musk...
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